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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Galena, Jo Daviess convention board nominates board chair

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The Galena/Jo Daviess County Convention & Visitors Bureau Board met January 12 to nominate a new board chair. 

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:

Galena/Jo Daviess County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Minutes for CVB Board Meeting

DeSoto House Hotel, 230 S Main St., Galena, IL 61036 at 12:00 PM

January 12, 2017

DRAFT: These minutes are not the official record until final approval at the next committee meeting and all minutes may be changed until officially approved.

Call to order: Meeting was called to order by Hal Gilpin at 12:00 p.m.

Roll Call Present:

CVB Board Members

Matthew Carroll Jess Farlow Erin Murphy (Vice Chair) Terry McGovern Sharon Cholewinski Helen Schamberger Hal Gilpin (Chair) Betsy Achett John Lang / JDC Board Member


Katherine Walker, Executive Director

Lori Kinnaman, Administrative Assistant

Guest in Attendance

Dan Burke

Public Comments


Approval of Minutes

Motion: Moved by Jess Farlow to approve the November 29, 2016 CVB Board Minutes. Second by Sharon Cholewinski. Motion carried.

New Business

Motion: Moved by Jess Farlow to open the nominations for chair to the CVB Board of Directors. Second by Sharon Cholewinski

Motion: Moved by Jess Farlow to nominate Hal Gilpin to board chair. Second by Sharon Cholewinski.

Motion: Moved by Erin Murphy to close nominations. Second by Sharon Cholewinski. Original motion carried by all aye votes.

Motion: Moved by Sharon Cholewinski to nominate Erin Murphy to board vice chair. Second by Jess Farlow.

Motion: Moved by Terry McGovern to close nominations. Second by Sharon Cholewinski. Original motion carried by all aye votes.

Motion: Moved by Jess Farlow to appoint Betsy Achett to a three year term on the CVB Board of Directors. Second by Helen Schamberger. Motion carried with all aye votes.

Motion: Moved by Erin Murphy to approve the LTCB Grant for FY17. Second by Jess Farlow. Motion carried with all aye votes. A short discussion followed. Motion Carried

Motion: Moved by Erin Murphy to continue to work with McDaniel’s Marketing for digital development and support of the website for FY17. Second by Sharon Cholewinski.

Katherine Walker stated that staff has been doing the maintenance on the website for the past few months. If the board wanted to have a marketing firm handle the development and support they will need a request for proposal sent out. The board talked about continuing the magazine with three new issues. Sharon Cholewinski stated that she would like to see three issues produced.

Motion: Moved by Erin Murphy to withdraw original motion. Second by Sharon Cholewinski.

Motion: Moved by Sharon Cholewinski to approve three issues for the magazine portion of the website. Second by Terry McGovern. Motion carried

Motion: Moved by Jess Farlow to approve the changes made to the Event Investment Guidelines for 2017. Second by Helen Schamberger. Motion carried.

Katherine Walker stated that she made two changes to the application. She eliminated a duplication and changed the quarterly timeline to ninety days before the event.

Motion: Moved by Terry McGovern to approve an increase in the credit limits to $7,000 for Lori Kinnaman and $9,000 for Katherine Walker. Second by Jess Farlow. Motion carried.

Katherine Walker explained to the board for the need to increase the spending limits on the purchasing cards for staff.

Board Comments

Terry McGovern told the board that the Hillinois Bike Race in Elizabeth is looking for a new race director.

Helen Schamberger is concerned about the decline in taxes in Galena and the analytical numbers. She is also concerned that once the merger happens that there will be less structure in collecting the hotel/motel tax. She asked the board for ideas to prevent a loss in tax dollars.

Public Comments



Motion: Moved by Jess Farlow. Second: by Sharon Cholewinski to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:47 p.m.