
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Odell Public Library Board met Jan. 11.

Odell Public Library Board met Jan. 11.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Board:

The January 11, 2017 board meeting opened at 5:30 pm in the program room of the library. Board members present were Marc Adami, Anne Frame, Marcia Haag, Jan Horberg, Melissa Nyboer, Sarah Thorndike, and Chris Vanderleest. Staff members Lori Matlack and Lisa Boles were in attendance.

General Business: A) The minutes of the December meeting were approved on a motion by Anne Frame and seconded by Marcia Haag. B) Bills and salaries in the amount of $14,452.53 were approved, motion by Jan Horberg, second by Chris Vanderleest (roll call vote-7 ayes, 0 nay). C) The treasurer’s report was received. It was decided to roll over the CD at Farmer’s National Bank to a new 12 month CD at an interest of 1.24 %, motion by Sarah Thorndike, second by Anne Frame. (roll call vote-7 ayes, 0 nay) D) The Director’s report was discussed and received. Paperwork was submitted to Illinois Power for a possible $948.00 rebate on the cost of more efficient lights and ballasts. Thrift Books will be sending a check for $475.00, which is the Library’s portion from the December sales. These books were from the sale of books donated to the library and not sold at the book sale.

Unfinished Business: A. The board authorized the hiring of Andy Geiger to repair the drywall along the windows and corners of the library. He is to also repair the drywall in the kitchen area. The board voted to withdraw $5,000 from the Endowment Fund before it is rolled in the new CD, for the possible use of future building repairs. (roll call vote-6 ayes, 1 nay (Frame) B. On a motion by Anne Frame and seconded by Jan Horberg, the two e-reader policies (the iPad Lending Policy and the Kindle Lending Policy) were approved. (roll call vote-7 ayes, 0 nay)

New Business: A. Marc Adami was reelected as President of the board. (voice vote 7 ayes, 0 nay) B. Melissa Nyboer agreed to remain in the position of Secretary. C. The board agreed to a partial leave of absence for director Matlack as she pursues an opportunity in the Coast Guard. It is expected that this will be for no longer than three months. Motion Melissa Nyboer, second Marcia Haag (voice vote-7 ayes, 0 nay)

Board ideas/Concerns: none

Public Comment: A report was submitted showing the 2016 monies and donations to the library from the Odell Public Library Friends and from the Odell Public Library Foundation. Vern Tervelt gave an update on various city projects.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 8, 2017 in the program room of the library.

The meeting adjourned at 6:41, motion Sarah Thorndike, second Marcia Haag.