
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Whiteside County Board met April 18.

Whiteside County Board met April 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. A Call to Order by the Chair

2.Roll Call by Clerk

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reading and Approval of the journal

5. Representative Tony McComb

6. Standing Resolutions and Acknowledgements

7. Communications

8. Planning and Zoning Action Items

a. Mr. Richter requested the committee have the proposed Text Amendment to Chapter 39 of the Whiteside County Code adding Section 39-268. Solar Power placed on the county board agenda. He explained that besides the minutes from the last public hearing, there was a Report of Recommendations to the County Board. It includes the original text that went to the Planning and Zoning Commission along with their recommended changes. The Ordinance attached is the proposed text with the PZC’s changes included. Mr. Frank moved that the matter be placed on the county board agenda. Mr. Russell seconded and the motion passed. (See #1-7)

Motion: To approve the proposed Text Amendment to Chapter 39 of the Whiteside County Code adding Section 39-268, Solar Power

9. Comments from the Public

10. Report from County Officers

11. Committee Reports and Recommendations

12. Unfinished Business

13. New Business

14. Adjournment
