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Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Sterling Municipal Band Met January 9

City of Sterling Municipal Band

City of Sterling Municipal Band met Monday, Jan. 9.

The Band Commission shall have the exclusive control of the expenditure of all money collected for the maintenance or employment of a municipal band for musical purposes, and for the maintenance and conduct of programs in the performing arts, and for the construction, purchase or lease, and maintenance of a band shell or similar structure, for the presentation of concerts, or such programs as may be presented by the commission, and shall have such other authority and duties as set forth in the enabling legislation.


Regular Band Commission Meeting Minutes

Monday January 9, 2017

The Regular Meeting of the Sterling Band Commission was held Conference Room 104, 1st floor of 212 Third Avenue, at 5:30 pm on Monday January 9, 2017

REGULAR MEMBERS PRESENT: Dianne Ausman (chair), Kevin O’Keefe, Allen Lee, Gonzalo Reyes



Jon James (Director)

Cathy James (Travel Manager)

Patrick Sheehan (Business & Personnel Manager)



Chairman Ausman called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. An attendance roll call was taken:

attendance roll call

Ausman / present

Lee / present

O’Keefe / present

Reyes / present

chair & three (3) commissioners present


A. The minutes from the December 12th Regular Meeting were discussed, and were approved pending revisions.

motion to approve December 12th Regular Meeting minutes with revisions

Ausman [ ]

Lee / ay

O’Keefe / motion made / ay

Reyes / motion seconded / ay

motion carried


A. Band Manager’s Report:

The December 2016 Business Manager Financial Summary was reviewed and discussed:

motion to receive the December 2016 Business Manager reports:

Ausman [ ]

Lee / motion seconded / ay

O’Keefe / motion made / ay

Reyes / ay

motion carried

B. Travel Manager’s Report:

Mrs. James reported that there were 102 reservations made for the Winter Pops Concert that took place on Friday January 6th. The poker chip / voucher system worked well; the caterer verified that no one snuck in to the food serving area. Mrs. James asked for an increase in budget for program paper for 2018, as we were short on programs for the attendees. Commissioner Lee added that he had head-counted 188 people in the free-seating section.

C. Band Director’s Report:

Mr. James reported that composer Christopher Tucker will guest-conduct this Summer. He is already formulating ideas for the Kids Koncert and has new music in mind. Commissioner O’Keefe inquired about asking local high school band directors to guest-conduct, and Mr. James will ask those people on their availability.

IV. Comment from the Public (no public present)

V. Old Business

A. Policy Handbook

Commissioner Reyes read his revisions aloud. Terminology of “President” will be changed to “Chair”. Once our bylaws are formulated, they must be passed on to legal counsel (City Attorney Tim Zollinger), then the City Council.

B. Rock River Jazz Band travel

Commissioner Reyes spoke with Mayor Lee. There must be a subcontractor agreement drawn up regarding this matter; the person designated to do so has not been determined. Mrs. James will bring a sample of what she uses for a subcontractor document to the next meeting.

C. Order of Motions

[tabled to the next meeting]

VI. New Business

A. Nominees for new Band Commissioner

Amy Boze (band member) and Sr. Philomene Reiland are two possibilities for who could serve on the Band Commission.

B. Winter Pops Concert preparation rubric / checklist

Mrs. James will have this finalized and in document form in February.

C. Winter Pops Concert assessment

Mr. James stated that this past concert was longer than he had intended, due to the length of pieces he chose for the program. The food served by Creative Cuisine was well-received and praised by ticketholders. All concertgoers enjoyed the arrangement of Auld Lang Syne at the end of the program.

VII. Executive Session

motion to enter into Executive Session

Ausman [ ]

Lee / motion made / ay

O’Keefe / motion seconded / ay

Reyes / ay

motion carried

The Band Commission entered Executive Session at 6:40 p.m.

motion to exit into Executive Session, rejoin Open Session

Ausman [ ]

Lee / ay

O’Keefe / motion seconded / ay

Reyes / motion made / ay

motion carried

The Band Commission exited Executive Session and re-joined Open Session at 7:24 p.m.

VIII: Adjournment

motion to adjourn meeting:

Ausman [ ]

Lee / motion seconded / ay

O’Keefe / ay

Reyes / motion made / ay

motion carried

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
