City of Rock Falls Public Works Committee met April 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
I.Call to order - Chairman Reitzel, Meeting was called to order at 8: 15am
2.Audience Requests
3.Street Repairs discussion
Adm. Blackert presented the committee with a list of road projects. Alderman Kleckler expressed that alleys should not be slagged when there are will be sent to bad roads in front of many residences. He would also like to look at different contractors that would be more accountable that can do this work.
Alderman Reitzel investigated the slag work that was done along Route 30, and he found that it was a $6M project.
Alderman Schuneman stated that the City should get as many roads done as possible this year, and since the County will not be offering slag work next year, another contractor could be tested then.
Brian Frickenstein stated that there needs to be a time schedule made for the 5th Avenue project. Mayor Wescott added that 5th Avenue will be the route of the sesquicentennial parade. The project will need to be complete by the 3rd week in July.
Alderman Reitzel stated that most of his phone calls are concerning alleys.
A motion to send the road list to Council for approval was made by Alderman
Schuneman, and second by Alderman Reitzel.
Vote 2 aye I nay (Kleckler)
4.Committee Member Items
Adm. Blackert showed a video of a power broom that can be used for sweeping Items slag back into the road from yards. The Street department has ordered 4.