
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Rock Falls Public Works Committee met June 13.

City of Rock Falls Public Works Committee met June 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Topic; Discussion; Plan of Action:

1.Call to order- Chairman Reitzel; Meeting was called to order; Meeting begins at 8:15 am

2.Audience Requests; None; No action

3.Review bid results for the 5th Avenue and 13th Avenue projects.; City Engineer Brian Frickenstein presented the Committee with the bid results for the 5th Ave and 13th Avenue Street projects. The Engineer's estimate was $162,481.60. The bids came in as follows:

Civil Constructors $149,312.35

Martin & Co. $167,929.45

The projects are 5th Avenue from 5'h St to 6th Street and 13th Avenue from 22"d Street to 16th Street.

Mr. Frickenstein pointed out that the price of bituminous is very low this year.

There are 2 ADA ramps that will need to be places at 5th Avenue.; The Committee recommends that Civil Constructors be awarded the bid.

4. Committee Member Items; Alderman Kleckler noticed that Martin & Co. has mowed, but has not picked up their debris that is stored there without permission. Inspector Searing is working with them.; No action

5.Adjournment; With nothing else for the good of the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 am; Meeting ends at 8:35 am
