
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Fulton City Council met October 2.

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City of Fulton City Council met October 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Ottens called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and directed the City Clerk to call roll. On roll call Mayor Ottens, Ald. Randy Boonstra, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Sue VanKampen, Barb Mask, Keith King and Paul Banker. Margaret Crosthwaite was absent. Also in attendance Bill Shirk, James Rhoades, Dale Sikkema and Dan Clark.

Mayor Ottens opened the public hearing to receive public comment regarding the completed sanitary sewer lining project. Jill Pepin provided everyone with a handout highlighting the project. With no questions the public hearing closed at 5:35 pm

The pledge of allegiance was recited. The invocation was give by Pastor Wayne Wiersema.

Visitors ar the meeting included Jill Pepin, Jacqueline Covey, Manny Castro, Kathy Kingery, Barb Janis and David Rose.

Mayor Ottens asked if there are any questions on the consent agenda; Approve Meeting Minutes from September 18, 2017 and Approve treasurer’s report. Ald. King motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to approve the consent agenda. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent).


Approve ordinance Authorizing a Variance of Certain Property within the City of Fulton pursuant to the Revised Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fulton. Variance for Warren Juist allowing a 1-foot setback due to the 48-foot width of the property. Ald. King motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve the ordinance for Warren Juist’s variance request. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent).

Approve ordinance directing the sale of real estate owned property by the City of Fulton. The city owned property is the Robert Fulton Community Center with options to sell the building alone or the building plus the north parking lot. Ald. Boonstra motioned, seconded by Ald. King to offer the Robert Fulton Community Center for sale by the City of Fulton. Roll call vote (8 yes, 1 absent).

Amendment to license to use space in a city building, due to increase area and increase rent. Ald. Boonstra motioned, seconded by Ald. King to amend the license with KT3. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent).

3rd Avenue bid letting occurred and the City of Fulton received three bids. The lowest bid was from Valley Construction in the amount of $331,367.75. The estimate for the project was $50,000 less than what it came back at, because of the discrepancy Public Works Director Clark suggests the funds come from MFT. Ald. King motioned, seconded by Ald. Boonstra to approve the bid to Valley Construction. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent).

Request for Dale Green and Jason Kuehl to attend the Illinois Rural Water Association Conference in Rockford IL October 24 & 25. The cost for fees, lodging and meals will be $500-600 in total. With no further discussion Ald. King motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve the Dale Green and Jason Kuehl to attend the Illinois Rural Water Association Conference. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent).

With no further business the council adjourned to the committee of the whole at 5:44 pm.
