City of Dixon City Council met Feb. 4.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
4. Work Session - None
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Approval of Total Labor and Outside Claims
a. January 8 through January 22, 2019
b. January 23 through February 4, 2019
7. YTD Financials – December 2019
8. Department Reports
9. City Manager Report
10. Council Reports
a. Mayor Arellano
• Proclamations – Catholic Schools Week & Girl Scouts Week
b. Councilman Considine
c. Councilman Marshall
d. Councilman Marx
e. Councilman Venier
11. Boards & Commissions Reports
a. Building Department Report
12. Visitors/Public Comment
13. Ordinances
a. Authorizing the sale of certain personal property owned by the City of Dixon.
14. Resolutions
a. Resolution Requesting Temporary Closure of Portions of Illinois Route 2 in connection with the Reagan 5K Run/Walk.
b. Budget Resolution Amending 2018-2019 Budget (Airport)
c. Budget Resolution Amending 2018-2019 Budget (Streets)
d. Budget Resolution Amending 2019-2019 Budget (2015 GMC Canyon)
15. Motions
a. Consideration and possible approval of First Amendment to Disposal Agreement between the City, Lee County Landfill Inc., Allied Waste Transportation Inc., and Allied Waste Industries of Illinois Inc.
b. Consideration and possible approval to purchase Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus Suite.
c. Consideration of engineering agreement for design and special services between the City and Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Inc.
d. Refer Petition for Variance for George and Josie Whaley of 605 Marclare Street to the Zoning Board of Appeals for variance.
16. Executive Session
a. To discuss purchase or sale of real property by the City pursuant to Section 2(c)(5) of the Open Meetings Act
17. Adjournment