City of Fulton City Council met Jan. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Ottens called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the City Clerk to call roll. On roll call Mayor Ottens, Ald. Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Dan Nederhoff, Barb Mask, Paul Banker and Sue VanKampen. Ald. Keith King and Mike VanZuiden were absent. Also in attendance Randy Boonstra, Bill Shirk, Tammy Garibay, Dale Sikkema, Dave Bartels, Amanda Fosdick, Dan Clark and Debi Ervin.
Pledge of allegiance was recited; invocation was given by Kevin Verhoven.
Visitors at the meeting included; Richard & Bea Farwell, Phil & Wendy Ottens, Suzanne Wilson, Kathy Peugh, Tammy Taylor, Clink Kettler, Jan Olsen, Evelyn Medenblik, Norm Balk, Bill Council, Larry & Linda Russell, Neil & Jane Luker, Chuck Dykstra, Jeanne Tufty, Don Wilson, Craig Wilson, Bob Anderson, Elsie Foster, Marilyn Tichler, Dave & Paula Ensinger, Arlene Considine, Shannon Vickers, Karl Drapeaux, John Rohlf, Daniel Nardini, Jill Nederhoff, Rick Petersen, Kathy Kingery, Trudy Feldt, Charles Thacker, Nick Heid, Barb Frantz and Dan Dolan.
Bill Council asked does the City of Fulton have $145,000 to do demolition or will be taking out a loan? No loan, funds will come from the sale of the RFCC. Also asked Ald. Banker why he voted to sell the property but then voted to demo it. Ald. Banker said he was in favor of selling the property but didn’t pass so voted in favor of taking it down. Neil Luker knows many people in town and has had most in school. He recently had someone say to him they do not trust the City of Fulton to have a partnership, tough to hear from someone after many years of teaching and a citizen of Fulton. Why not just sell the building to the Historical Society? Jane Luker went over letter that was distributed to the aldermen prior to the last meeting explaining why Historical Society will succeed, new volunteers and donations. Would like to know why each city council member vote yes or no. Jeanne Tufty has lived in Fulton for more than 30 years, taxpayer, has Master’s in Nursing. Does not understand why you would spend $143,000 and refuse $10,500 for a building the city does not want. Taxpayer money could be spent on something better, sell to the Historical Society. Charles Dykstra does not agree with the individuals who voted for the demolition of the Drive’s Building. Larry Russell understands why the council did not want to sell the property but does not agree with the demolition. This is going to be an expensive piece of land/green space. If this land was yours personally would you write a check for $143,000 out of your own pocket for the demolition? Elsie Foster does not understand why the council did not accept bid from Historical Society but instead use more of taxpayer dollars. Richard Farwell plans to live in Fulton forever, the Drives Building has been in Fulton for over 100 years, could do grand things with the building. Susan Wilson is a member of 2nd Reformed Church and the church just went through a lot of renovations, church is 101 years old and will stand another 100 years. There is a crime going on here, taking from tax payers, robbing Peter to pay Paul. Wendy Ottens said there needs to be transparency, review the Open Meetings Act (OMA). At the last meeting there was no discussion before taking a vote and no one explained why they voted either yes or no. Are too many council members meeting outside of regular meetings, this must be discussed on record to abide by the rules? Jill Nederhoff has two questions for the council, we know the city does not want to put money into the Drive’s Building and not in favor of a partnership. First why would you refuse a bid of $10,500, people want an answer. Two, if this was your own money would you spend $145,000? Ald. Crosthwaite asked if anyone has talked to people who will be in this town in another 50-80 years? What do they say? What do they want? Ald. Nederhoff said the citizens’/tax payers have a right to know why each person voted the way they did, a vote to reconsider who give everyone the opportunity to explain what they think. Ald. VanKampen has filed with the National Prehistorical List, the Drive’s Building meets the qualifications. Currently waiting on a response from the advisory council in D.C. but currently on shutdown.
Mayor Ottens would like to recognize Barb Frantz for running the Christmas dinner. It was Barb’s 21st year running the dinner, presented with City of Fulton clock for her service. Barb just want to help others who wouldn’t get dinner, dedication to everyone giving up time to help with the dinner.
Approve consent agenda as presented; approve meeting minutes from December21, 2018, approve treasurer’s report and approve bill list. Ald. Mask had a couple questions on the bill list; $5,000 for salt/ice melt for whole year? Dan Clark said this was for the first of it, more to come. Also asked about $5,700 to work on pump, which pump? Dan Clark said it was for the lift station by Harbor Crest. With no further questions Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the consent agenda. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).
Approve ordinance vacation alley between lots 2 and 9 in Block 9 West Fraction, City of Fulton by Rich Kummerer. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the ordinance vacation alley by Rich Kummerer. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).
Approve motion to change the number of liquor licenses. By approving the motion this would direct Attorney Shirk to draw the ordinance for the council to fill in the blanks according to approval. This does not mean they are required to increase the number of licenses, could leave the same if so wish. By approving can do research and discuss at the next council meeting. Bar owner Dave Ensinger said he was at meetings 1.5 years ago explaining why giving out more liquor licenses, especially to gaming dens will hurt current businesses. If it is a legitimate business/restaurant find with it but not gaming dens. Don Wilson with Triple W Properties signed a contract with Bob Andersen with Nancy’s Slots, would like special consideration for Nancy’s as they had a license but expired. Tammy with Shell said there are others looking to get liquor license and offer gaming. Dan Dolan has prime real estate on what he would consider Fulton bypass. When starting his project City of Fulton asked him to make the project bigger but not helping bring in businesses. There are many smaller towns such as Savanna would have twice as many gaming machines as Fulton, this is not an epidemic like you are making it. Kathy Kingery has been told for 17 months would get a liquor license but keeps getting kicked down the road. Would not be restaurant but delivery from Manny’s. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve changing the number of liquor licenses. Roll call vote (4 yes, 2 no, 2 absent). Ald. Banker, Mask, VanKampen and Nederhoff voting yes. Ald. Crosthwaite and Field voting no. Ald. King and VanZuiden absent.
Approve Ordinance amending the number of liquor licenses issued under Chapter 111 entitled Alcoholic Beverages. This will change the number of liquor licenses from 12 to 13. This is a request from Leah Richter who was at a previous council meeting, she would like to sell wine to artists/customers for purchase and drink off premises. There is will no gaming but has applied for tasting license from the state. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve amending the number of liquor licenses issued under Chapter 111 entitles Alcoholic Beverages from 12 to 13. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).
Approve waiving the hookup fees for water and sewer connections for the Fulton/Thomson Food Pantry New Construction. Admin Boonstra said this has been done in the past for non-profit organizations. This is not something new. Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to approve waiving the hookup fee for water and sewer connections for the Fulton/Thomson Food Pantry New Construction. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).
Approve resolution of support for the closeout of the City’s Revolving Loan Fund with Fulton Lodging, LLC. Ald. Admin Boonstra wanted to thank the local investors for their continued efforts of support and making sure the loan was closed out. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve resolution of support for the closeout of the City’s Revolving Loan Fund with Fulton Lodging. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).
Approve proclamation supporting the National School Choice Week. Ald. VanKampen motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to approve the proclamation supporting National School Choice Week. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).
Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to adjourn to the Committee of the Whole. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).
Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to enter closed session to discuss litigation. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent). The council entered closed session at 8:05 PM.
Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to exit closed session. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent) The council exited closed session at 8:10 PM.
With no further discussion Ald. VanKampen motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to adjourn. With voice agreement the council adjourned at 8:10 PM.