Ogle County Security (Sheriff and Coroner and Safety) Committee met June 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairwoman Nordman called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Present: Janes, McLester, Sparrow and Sulser. Others: Coroner Lou Finch, Sheriff Brian VanVickle, Asp, Finfrock, Corbitt, Typer and Kenney. Absent: Smith and Youman.
2. Approval of Minutes – May 14, 2019: Motion by Sparrow to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Janes. Motion carried.
3. Public Comment: None
4. Monthly Bills
Review of Department Billing: Motion by Sparrow that the credit card/department billing has been reviewed, 2nd by Janes. Motion carried.
Sheriff: $1,761.67 Emergency Communications: $1,163.38 Corrections: $4,813.42 OEMA: $90.62
Sheriff: Motion by Sparrow to approve the bills totaling $33,080.39, 2nd by Sulser. Motion carried.
Emergency Communications: Motion by Sparrow to approve the bills totaling $71.65, 2nd by Janes. Motion carried.
Corrections: Motion by Sulser to approve the bills totaling $17,384.43, 2nd by Sparrow. Motion carried.
OCEMA: Motion by Sparrow to approve the bills totaling $157.80, 2nd by Janes. Motion carried.
Coroner: Motion by Sparrow to approve the bills totaling $3,475.93, 2nd by Janes. Motion carried.
5. Coroner Report: Coroner Lou Finch stated they have had 35 deaths since last month, 227 deaths year-to-date. The Grant Fund balance is $8,068.97 and the Cremation Fund balance is $7,318.39.
6. Sheriff Report: Arrests are up, 911 calls are average. They have 3 Patrol Deputies on field training, once complete they will still be short staffed. There are 2 new hires in Corrections that start middle of the month and will bring them to full-staff. Sheriff VanVickle has spoken with State Representative Demmer regarding the internet sales tax; VanVickle will forward more information on to Finance Chairman Sparrow. Sparrow asked about the Federal Inmate contract; VanVickle stated the contract is in their hands now. VanVickle informed the Committee that they should have an approved union contract soon.
7. Safety Report: None
8. Closed Session: None
9. New Business – Vehicle Impound Ordinance: VanVickle stated they have made some minor changes to the reason to tow a vehicle. Their revenue was approximately $71,000 and expenses at $60,000 since December. They will use the fund to purchase a new squad and all equipment. Motion by Sparrow to approve the amended Ordinance, 2nd by Janes. VanVickle stated that the legalization of marijuana will affect the revenue on the fund. Motion carried.
10. Adjournment: There being no additional business, Chairwoman Nordman adjourned the meeting at 2:23 p.m.