Ogle County Security (Sheriff and Coroner and Safety) Committee met May 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairwoman Nordman called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Present: Janes, Smith, Sparrow and Sulser. Others: Coroner Lou Finch, Chief Deputy Danny White, Asp, Typer and Kenney. Absent: McLester and Youman.
2. Approval of Minutes – April 9, 2019: Motion by Janes to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Sparrow. Motion carried.
3. Public Comment: None
4. Monthly Bills
Review of Department Billing: Motion by Sparrow that the credit card/department billing has been reviewed, 2nd by Smith. Motion carried.
Sheriff: $998.20 Emergency Communications: $1,177.15 Corrections: $2,782.45 OEMA: $1,009.80
Sheriff: Motion by Smith to approve the bills totaling $17,234.60, 2nd by Sparrow. Motion carried.
Emergency Communications: Motion by Janes to approve the bills totaling $2,555.81, 2nd by Sparrow. Motion carried.
Corrections: Motion by Sparrow to approve the bills totaling $32,162.53, 2nd by Sulser. Motion carried.
OCEMA: Motion by Sparrow to approve the bills totaling $1,357.67, 2nd by Smith. Motion carried.
Coroner: Motion by Sparrow to approve the bills totaling $6,633.13, 2nd by Janes. Motion carried.
5. Coroner Report: Coroner Lou Finch stated they have had 53 deaths since last month, 192 deaths year-to-date. The Grant Fund balance is $3,656.97 and the Cremation Fund balance is $6,651.43.
6. Sheriff Report: White stated numbers were up this month; discussion was held regarding staffing levels.
7. Safety Report: None
8. Closed Session: None
9. New Business: None
10. Adjournment: Motion by Smith to adjourn, 2nd by Sulser. Motion carried. Time: 2:17 p.m.