Jo Daviess County Public Works Committee met Tuesday, May 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
√ Allendorf Heuerman √ Hill
√ Korth √ O’Connor √ Toot
√ Trost
Others: Steve Keeffer and Dan Reimer
1. Minutes
Don Hill made a motion to approve minutes from the April 22, 2019 Public Works meeting, Bob O’Connor seconded. The minutes were approved.
2. Citizens’ Comments
3. Highway Department
a. Old Business
1. Project Schedule Update
Steve Keeffer prepared a map of the county with all active projects delineated.
The committee discussed many of the projects and their progress/status.
2. Committee Objectives and Goals and the County Board Retreat
The committee discussed the committee objectives and goals from the recent county board retreat.
3. County Engineer Salary
The discussion about the County Engineer Salary program was continued. The effects of participating in the County Engineer Salary program were reviewed. If the county were to participate in the program, funding could be transferred from the county’s annual federal funding allotments into the County MFT fund. This would allow some of the county’s federal funding to be used for additional work that is typically paid for with MFT funds such as chip seal or road salt. It was thought that the best time to implement a change in how the county engineer salary is funded would be in conjunction with the development of the annual budget. The committee also discussed that the county engineer position would have to be removed from the Jo Daviess County Position Classification Plan to adjust the salary to meet the requirements of the County Engineer Salary Program. Scott Toot made a motion to change to method of paying the County Engineer’s salary as part of the 2020 budget process, Bob O’Connor seconded and the motion carried. Steve Allendorf made a motion to forward a request to the Executive Committee to remove the County Engineer from the Jo Daviess County Position Classification Plan to be considered at the July Executive Committee meeting, Scott Toot seconded, and the motion carried.
b. New Business
1. Menominee Township Cost Share Project
Menominee Township has requested county aid for a culvert project on Route 5 to replace three across the road culverts. The estimated cost of the project is $15,000. Steve Allendorf made a motion to approve the cost share project, John Korth seconded, and the motion carried.
2. Stagecoach Trail Bridge Approach Project
The committee reviewed a quote for the installation of asphalt to repair a settled bridge approach pavement on Stagecoach Trial just east of Galena. Despite contacting several asphalt contractors, only one quote was submitted from Civil Constructors. The other vendors were either too busy or did not want to work in Illinois. Steve Allendorf made a motion to accept Civil Constructors quote of $16,575 for the paving work, Bob O’Connor seconded, and the motion carried.
4. Citizens Comments
5. Board Member Concerns
The meeting concluded at 6:50 P.M.