
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Dixon Historic Preservation Commission met July 19

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City of Dixon Historic Preservation Commission met July 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairperson McLane called the meeting to order in the first floor conference room at City Hall at 930a.


Present were Commissioners Higby, Krueger, McLane, and Wadsworth. A quorum was declared.o

Also present were Paul Shiaras and Michael Heath, Iwner of 210 West First Street


Tom Wadsworth moved, and Carol Krueger seconded, that the minutes of the June 21, 2019 meeting be approved. Voting Aye: Krueger, McLane, Wadsworth, and Higby. Voting Nay: None. Motion passed.


The Commission has received a discussion of the Peace Park murals and a bid for their restoration/replacement from the original artist, Dave Barnum.


No public was present.


There was no old business.


a. Discussion and possible approval of proposed paint scheme on the facade of the building at 210 West First Street

The Commission reviewed a paint scheme submitted by Michael and Gloria Heath. Problematic is that, although the storefronts at 210 and 212 are separately owned, they present as a single entity, with symmetry issues involved. The facade of the building is unique in both structure and decoration, especially above the ground floor. Considerable discussion ensued as to the most aesthetic way to preserve the structure and symmetry of decoration to the greatest extent possible. The matter is further complicated in that the owner of 212 has emphatically declined to make any changes to her building's façade, which she has the legal right to do.

In order to come to a conclusion that is satisfactory to all parties, the Commission discussed the concept drawing furnished by the Heaths. At the end of this discussion Tom Wadsworth moved, and John McLane seconded, that the Commission Approve a proposal to paint a portion of the building that

includes everything below the existing green trim, which includes the section that is 22 inches above the doorway and windows, and everything to the east of the left pillar of the doorway (which is used by the neighbor), as specified in the attached drawing. Voting Aye: McLane, Wadsworth, Higby, and Krueger. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried. [Secretary's note: see attached drawing.)

b. Discussion and possible approval of a pavilion on the unimproved property adjacent to 222 West First Street.

After brief discussion James Higby moved, and Tom Wadsworth seconded, that the Commission not further discuss the construction of a pavilion in the Historic District, as the Commission believes that it has no jurisdiction over such matters. Voting Aye: Wadsworth, Higby, Krueger, and McLane. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried. [Secretary's note: The Building Department will handle the request.]

c. Review and discussion of communication received from Dave Barnum re: the murals at the Reagan Peace Park

After brief discussion James Higby moved, and John McLane seconded, that the issue be tabled until the Commission has further information. Voting Aye: McLane, Wadsworth, Higby, and Krueger. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

d. Discussion of the efficacy of Doodle Polls for setting up Commission meetings

There was general agreement that the practice is working, as long as Commissioners check their email regularly. Vice Chair Tom Wadsworth will see that this happens.

e. Discussion of the opening on the Commission with possible recommendation to Mayor of a potential appointee

Commissioner Higby discussed a recent conversation with Antony Deter, Director of the Dixon Public Library, on a variety of topics. Toward the end of the conversation he asked Mr. Deter if he might be interested in filling the vacancy on the Commission that resulted from the resignation of longtime Commissioner Greg Langan, who has moved from the area. Without hesitation, Mr. Deter responded in the affirmative. John McLane moved, and Tom Wadsworth seconded, that the Commission recommend to Mayor Arellano that Antony Deter be appointed to the Dixon Historic Preservation Commission. Voting Aye: Krueger, McLane, Wadsworth, and Higby. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried. [Secretary's note: The Secretary will notify Mayor Arellano and Antony Deter of this decision via email.]


John McLane moved, and James Higby seconded, that the meeting be adjourned, for which the vote was unanimous at 1044a.
