Byron Public Library District Board met Sept. 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by President Barbara Clubb. Board members present were, Lavonne Berkeley, Barbara Clubb, David Conley, Jill Grennan and Rich Pleniewicz. Also attending were Emily Porter, Director and Recording Secretary, Jeannine Hedges.
Absent Members: Elaine Breck, Susan O’Neil Visitors: None
Mr. Pleniewicz made a motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 14, 2019 and Special Minutes for the Public Budget Hearing of August 14, 2019. The motion was seconded and approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report and Monthly Bills:
Mrs. Porter distributed written reports. Mrs. Porter discussed the new photo printer. There are still a couple kinks to work out; but the first 2 weeks saw $100.00 in usage. Mrs. Porter stated the payroll budget appears to be over-budget, but it is due to the new bi-weekly payroll and three payrolls in August. The budget will balance as the year goes on.
Mrs. Porter distributed written reports.
A motion to ratify the bills was made by Mr. Pleniewicz. The motion was approved in a roll call vote 5-0: Mrs. Berkeley, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; and Mr. Pleniewicz, yes.
Librarian Report:
Mrs. Porter distributed written reports. Mrs. Porter and Mrs. McKay attended a meeting today with School Librarian, Jill Smith. A regular basis library-presence in the schools was established.
Mrs. Ported noted that 90% of the lighting remodel has been done. Mrs. Porter also said that the DVD area and New Area will be flip-flopped to make more room in the DVD section while allowing greater awareness of the New Area.
Mrs. Porter held a discussion on the OCIAB and Faircom Community Meetings.
Mrs. Porter discussed the circulation statistics that had been mistakenly been under- reported by PraireCat because the out-of building renewals were not included. Carolyn Coulter, Director of PrairieCat, caught the mistake and made the new figures available this month.
Trustee Reports:
Mr. Pleniewicz emailed Mrs. Porter asking about the safety of our systems after the Rockford Public School System was hacked with ransomware virus. Mrs. Porter shared some information from Mike Van Offeren of Stateline Technologies stated that our data is backed up and safe. QuickBooks is online and not stored by Byron Public Library. Sierra (library system) is entirely separate and we do not store any of the ILS data. We are running Deep Freeze which resets the public computers every night and soon will be after every log-out. Stateline also gave Mrs. Porter a quote on a back-up server for events such as a natural disaster.
Committee Reports:
• Finance: None
• Operations Committee: There will be a meeting September 30, 2019 at 12:00pm
• Executive Committee: None
• Facilities Management: None
New Business
• Mrs. Porter noted the $150.00 concern on the Audit was a typo which Mrs. Hopkins has corrected the error. Mr. Conley questioned page 4 of the audit control deficiencies. Discussions revealed that the findings are common with small business and have been noted repeatedly and considered standard. Mrs. Berkeley made a motion to approve the Annual Audit. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote 5-0: Mrs. Berkeley, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; and Mr. Pleniewicz, yes.
• Mr. Conley made a motion to approve the 2020 Holiday Schedule. The motion was seconded and approved 5-0.
Unfinished Business
A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Pleniewicz and seconded. adjourned at 4:53 p.m.