City of Oregon City Council met Nov. 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Present: Mayor Ken Williams
Commissioner Melanie Cozzi
Commissioner Tim Krug
Commissioner Terry Schuster
Commissioner Kurt Wilson
City Clerk/Treasurer Charlene Ruthe
Chief Darin DeHaan
City Attorney Paul Chadwick
Attorney Paul Chadwick started the pledge of allegiance.
Public Comment
Attorney Paul Chadwick went over the rules on speaking at a public meeting. This is not a public hearing so won’t need to swear in people wanting to speak. Will limit the discussion to thirty minutes and reminded everyone to be civil with comments.
Attorney Brandi Chudoba of Stillman Valley spoke on the City allowing Cannabis Dispensaries. She feels that the city would have local control and would be good for the economy. Her partner Kristin Folk, who couldn’t be here tonight, are in the process of filling out an application to open a dispensary. She also brought a gentleman that is a pharmacy tech in Rockford, he is also going to be a partner in the application process. The Dispensaries will be having strict rules and regulations, not like buying on the black market. Three licenses will be given in our nine-county area. They also have a counselor on their board.
Rick Ryland, a Plan Commission member, is not in favor of a dispensary in Oregon. He thinks we should wait a year and see what happens. Law Enforcement in the area is not for it. He has read several articles on cannabis and the effect it has on the users. Not good. Would like the Council to wait for more data.
Rick Fritz of Monroe Center spoke against the dispensaries He had a grandson pass because of usage. Small communities want more businesses why a dispensary?
Mark Herman Plan Commission Chairman said it is coming will be a law in January 2020, why not be ready for a dispensary. The funds collected by the municipality could be used for educating the kids in school.
Jackie Jacobs spoke against allowing a dispensary. She thinks the City should take more time to see what effect it would have on the community. We need to consider our children. She thinks it is money driven.
Rev. Kali Aluli is against allowing a dispensary. He feels it’s not good for our community or children. What long term effects will this have?
Tim a Pharmacy Tech from Rockford said people are using cannabis right now for medical purposes. He thinks it would be good for the economy.
Angela Jacobs also stated that cannabis is being used for medical uses right now. It’s not just used to get high. Would like to see the money stay local.
Public comment section was closed.
Commissioner Kurt Wilson moved to approve the November 12, 2019 minutes, Seconded by Commissioner Melanie Cozzi.
Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to approve the payroll in the amount of $47,707.91 and current warrants as listed:
Airgas USA, LLC, $569.14
Azavar Audit, $86.14
Bergys Automotive, $201.92
Bonnell Industries, $2,645.49
Buddy Jenkins, $112.50
Buddy Jenkins, $187.50
Byron Bank, $524.80
Casper’s Home Inspection, $1,400.00
Cheryl Hilton, $40.00
Cintas, $59.20
City of Oregon, $48,900.00
City of Oregon, $5,000.00
City of Oregon, $125,000.00
City of Rockford, $28.00
Civil Constructor’s Inc., $15,352.30
Comcast, $327.40
Comed, $1,248.02
Dave Kent, $40.00
Dustin Runyon, $40.00
Euclid Managers, $1,674.92
Ferguson Waterworks, $283.44
Ferguson Waterworks, $493.39
Harvard State Bank, $899.21
Hawkins, $308.50
James Morris, $40.00
James Taylor, $160.00
Jeff Pennington, $40.00
Joseph Brooks, $40.00
Josh Lee, $40.00
Kristine Tesnow, $40.00
Kunes Country Auto Group, $63.40
Maison Crawford, $40.00
Mary Elliott, $40.00
Matt Kalnins, $40.00
Menards, $169.68
Menards, $264.90
Merlin Hagemann, $1,240.71
Moring Disposal, $17,221.20
Municipal Clerks of Illinois, $55.00
Municipal Code Corp., $2,286.79
Nikolas Manthei, $40.00
Nikolas Manthei, $368.02
Ogle County Clerk & Recorder, $180.00
Oregon Snyder, $217.56
Polo Cooperative Assoc., $5,494.71
Postmaster, $578.20
Postmaster, $25.00
Postmaster, $264.00
Randy Cropp, $40.00
Sauk Valley Newspaper, $442.20
Savoy Consultants Group LLC, $375.00
Scott Wallace, $40.00
Shawn Melville, $40.00
Sun Life Financial, $364.08
Tad Dominski, $40.00
The Bank of New York Mellon, $275,127.50
Verizon, $680.44
Village of Progress, $1,054.60
Visa, $195.89
Wastewater Management of Northern Illinois, $12,037.50
Water Solutions Unlimited Inc., $1,936.00
Willett Hofmann & Assoc., $3,257.05
Willett Hofmann & Assoc., $6,396.00
Willett Hofmann & Assoc., $23.111.75
Zarnoth Brush Works, $153.10
Seconded by Commissioner Melanie Cozzi.
Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Commissioner Kurt Wilson moved to approve Ordinance No. 2019-110 Zoning Amendment Regrading Cannabis Businesses, Seconded by Commissioner Melanie Cozzi.
Discussion: Commissioner Schuster used to work in the school district. He feels the money collected for the city could be used for public awareness for school and parents. He read an article about state of Colorado, they had a decrease in crime after putting in a dispensary.
Commissioner Melanie Cozzi also has read articles about the states that have allowed dispensaries crime and DUI arrests are down.
Commissioner Kurt Wilson said that the Plan Commission members voted four to three to not allow a dispensary and to wait for one year to revisit.
Roll Call: Ayes: Cozzi, Schuster, Wilson. Nays: Krug and Williams.
Mayor Ken Williams moved to approve the First Amendment Agreement with Ogle County Sherriff’s Department and Verizon Wireless for Cell Tower located at 1816 W Washington Street, Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.
Discussion: The extended is for six months so that they can move everything to their new tower on Rt 64 West.
Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to approve Video Detection at the Intersection of Route 2 & Route 64, Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.
Discussion: This does not need to go out for bids, the project is paid one hundred percent by Illinois Department of Transportation. The video will not take pictures it’s for movement of traffic for turn lanes and signals.
Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Council meeting dates and holidays for 2020 were handed out. Will have on City Website and be given to the media.
Chief Darin DeHaan announced that Maison Crawford has completed PTI. He will be training with another Officer for about three months before putting him on his own.
Commissioner Kurt Wilson said the fence has been put around the Paul Shaffner house. Boarding up of the property should be completed by end of week.
Commissioner Terry Schuster reminded everyone that Candlelight Walk is this weekend. Will have Candy Cane Lane on Franklin Street, vendors in Coliseum, shops will be opened later, and house drawn carriage rides. Will probably need to bring your umbrella weather is not supposed to be very nice.
Commissioner Melanie Cozzi announced that Martin & Company have been blacktopping the Streets that were torn up for the watermain project.
Commissioner Tim Krug said that Paul Shaffner is in the process of getting a photo id and new social security card, once he gets them will proceed with the grant application from USDA.
Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.
Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Adjourn: 6:36 P.M.