
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Byron Public Library District Board Executive Committee met April 8

Webp meeting240

Byron Public Library District Board Executive Committee met April 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Mrs. Clubb. Board members present were Lavonne Berkeley, Elaine Breck, Barbara Clubb, David Conley, Jill Grennan, and Susan O’Neil. Also attending was Emily Porter, Director.

Absent Members: Rich Pleniewicz Visitors: None


Mrs. Breck made a motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 11 and the Special Meeting Minutes of March 18, 2020. The motion was seconded and approved 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report and Monthly Bills:

Mrs. Porter discussed distributed written reports. Mrs. Porter stated that the income deposit for March 3 to March 16 has not been made due to the shelter in place order.


Mrs. Porter discussed distributed written reports. Mrs. Porter noted that monies spent right now are being increased for digital materials, including the new Hoopla service. With Hoopla, the library pays per checkout so materials are always available. Mrs. Porter said there will be a decrease in utility expenses, office supplies, and contractual expenses in April because the building is closed.

A motion to ratify the bills was made by Mrs. Berkeley and seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 6-0: Mrs. Berkeley, yes; Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; and Mrs. O’Neil, yes.

Librarian Report:

Mrs. Porter discussed distributed written reports. Mrs. Porter shared that staff members have library issued devices with required work and webinars. Mrs. Porter discussed online programming. Mrs. Porter stated that Kelly will look into having an online trivia with Penny. Mrs. Porter held a discussion on zoom meetings and the legal aspects of meeting requirements. Mrs. Porter discussed several scenarios being planned for returning to work such as increased self-checkout stations allowing for increased social distancing. Fine free and curbside services were in place before COVID-19 and will continue. Mrs. Porter stated that digital material circulation increase 30%.

Trustee Reports: None Committee Reports:

• Finance: Meeting scheduled for 4/29/2020 at 4:00 p.m.

• Operations Committee: None

• Executive Committee: None 4/22/2020 at 4:00 p.m.

• Facilities Management: None

Unfinished Business:


New Business

• Mrs. Porter held a discussion on the Telecommuting Policy. Mrs. Grennan made a motion to approve Telecommuting Policy. The motion was seconded. Mr. Conley questioned about who this policy was intended to cover and specific periods of time for said policy. Mrs. Porter explained that the Telecommuting Agreement Form would grant permissions at the Director’s discretion. Mr. Conley was uncomfortable with the policy not including an end date. Mrs. Breck suggested including the following wording: “The availability of telecommuting as a flexible work arrangement for employees can be discontinued or suspended at any time at the discretion of the Library, for any reason or for no reason at all.” to the Telecommuting Agreement Form. Mr. Conley agreed that adding this wording would cover his concerns. The motion was approved 6-0:

• Mr. Conley made a motion to approve the Telecommuting Agreement Form as amended above. The motion was seconded and approved by 6-0.

Mrs. Clubb made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:44 p.m. The motion was seconded approved 6-0.
