Ogle County Judiciary & Circuit Clerk Committee met July 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman McKinney called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. Present: Bowers, Corbitt, Droege (arrived at 9:07) and Sulser. Present via audio: Circuit Clerk Kim Stahl and Judge Robert Hanson (arrived at 9:05). Others: IT Manager Larry Callant.
2. Approval of Minutes – June 9, 2020: Motion by Bowers to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Sulser. Motion carried.
3. Closed Session: None
4. Public Comment: None
5. Judiciary
Monthly Bills: Motion by Sulser to approve the bills totaling $3,538.20, 2nd by Bowers. Motion carried.
Department Update: Judge Hanson has received favorable responses so far regarding the establishment of a Public Defender’s office. He will meet with a few more Committees today and thanked everyone for their support. They are staying very busy and have not had any jury trials yet. There is a felony case set for August and they are checking with both parties to see if they can have a 6-person jury verses a 12-person. They are trying to do their best with social distancing.
6. Circuit Clerk
Monthly Bills: Motion by Bowers to approve the bills totaling $597.98, 2nd by Corbitt. Motion carried.
Department Update: Stahl has started her FY2021 budget preparation and she did receive her departmental audit. Bowers asked if there were any concerns with the audit; no. Stahl is also working on getting her COVID expenses together for Finfrock.
7. New Business: None
8. Adjournment: With no further business, Chairman McKinney adjourned the meeting. Time: 9:10 a.m.