City of Savanna City Council met Nov. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Chris Lain called the meeting to order on the said date at 7:00 P.M. Notice of the meeting was delivered to all Council members and posted at 333 Chicago Avenue, Savanna, Illinois, in accordance with the State of Illinois Open Meetings Act.
Mayor Chris Lain led the Council in the pledge of allegiance.
Mayor Chris Lain declared the establishment of a quorum with members in attendance Mayor Chris Lain, Jocelyn Boyd, Jeff Griswold, Nick Law, Deb Long, Sara Purdom, Roger Husband, Jim Friedenbach, and Pat Sanchez. Non-members in attendance Public Works Superintendent John Lindeman, Police Chief Jeff Doran, Comptroller/Treasurer Brittany Hatteberg, City Attorney Phil Jensen, News Media: Mike Nester, Michael Miller, Colton Ostrum signed in at 7:36 P.M., Mike Casper with Jo-Carroll Energy, Fire Chief Scott Wolfe, and City Clerk Rhonda Weiss.
After review, Pat Sanchez motioned to approve the Agenda, seconded by Roger Husband. All voting in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
Consideration of the Minutes of the October 27, 2020 Regular Meeting: After a brief review, Roger Husband motioned to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from October 27, 2020, seconded by Jocelyn Boyd. All voting in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
Finance Committee, 11/10/20: Pat Sanchez updated the Council on the meeting and reviewed the Committee approval of reports for Accounts Receivable, 2020/2021 Budget review, and the 12/24/36/48/60 Month Report for October 2020. The Fire Association Loan for a new truck was tabled for more information from Fire Chief Scott Wolfe. End of Year Bonuses was discussed. Pat Sanchez motioned to approve End of Year Bonuses for Department Heads at $250.00, Full
time Employees at $200.00, and Full-time Employees under six months at $100.00, seconded by Sara Purdom. Roll Call Vote Aye: Jocelyn Boyd, Jeff Griswold, Pat Sanchez, Sara Purdom, Nick Law, Roger Husband, Jim Friedenbach, and Deb Long. Nay: none. Motion passed. Fire Chief Scott Wolfe gave an explanation that a grant was received in order to purchase SCBA Bottles and Air Pack. After an explanation, Pat Sanchez motioned to approve the Request of Funds, SCBA Bottles and Request of Funds, Air Packs not to exceed the combined budgeted amount of $31,295.00, seconded by Nick Law. This included a grant from the State Fire Marshall for small equipment of $26,000.00. Roll Call Vote Aye: Sara Purdom, Deb Long, Roger Husband, Jim Friedenbach, Nick Law, Jeff Griswold, Jocelyn Boyd, and Pat Sanchez. Nay: none. Motion passed.
Jocelyn Boyd motioned to approve the Finance Committee report, seconded by Deb Long. All voting in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
WARRANT #7: Bills for the Month of October Totaling $505,312.17: After review, Pat Sanchez motioned to approve Warrant #7 in the amount of $505,312.17, seconded by Jocelyn Boyd. Roll Call Vote Aye: Roger Husband, Jim Friedenbach, Nick Law, Jocelyn Boyd, Jeff Griswold, Pat Sanchez, Sara Purdom, and Deb Long. Nay: none. Motion passed.
COMMUNICATIONS: River Eagle Citizens' Sculpture: Council member Sara Purdom received a request from a committee asking for a donation from the City toward the sculpture. After discussion, Roger Husband motioned to send the request to the Hotel/Motel Committee for further research, seconded by Pat Sanchez. All voting in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
BIDS: Bid Opening, Housing Demolition: Mayor Chris Lain opened the only bid received by Colgan Excavating for demolition for 1143 Chicago Avenue and 118 E 5th Street. The bids were $8,000.00 for 1143 Chicago Avenue and $9,500 for 118 5th Street. After further discussion, Roger Husband motioned to accept the bids from Colgan Excavating for 1143 Chicago Avenue for $8,000 and 118 5th Street for $9,500, seconded by Jeff Griswold. Roll Call Vote Aye: Jim Friedenbach, Sara Purdom, Jocelyn Boyd, Jeff Griswold, Pat Sanchez, Nick Law, Deb Long, and Roger Husband. Nay: none. Motion passed.
MONTHLY REPORTS: Financial, Police, Fire, and Public Works for October 2020: Police
Chief Jeff Doran explained he couldn't print a report this month due to new software. He will submit one next month. After review, Roger Husband motioned to approve the monthly reports, seconded by Nick Law. All voting in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
Project Update, MSA: Nothing to report.
Planning & Zoning Board, October 19, 2020:
Ordinance, Approving a Certain Request for Re-zoning and Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Savanna Accordingly: After review and discussion for the request, Pat Sanchez motioned to place the request to re-zone from B2 to R3 on 1st read, seconded by Roger Husband. Roll Call Vote Aye Jim Friedenbach, Sara Purdom, Jocelyn Boyd, Jeff Griswold, Pat Sanchez, Nick Law, Deb Long, and Roger Husband. Nay: none. Motion passed.
Findings of Fact, Conditional Use Request CU-01-20 by Matt and Nancy Nowakowski: this was covered on October 27, 2020, meeting.
Ordinance Authorizing a Conditional Use Permit CU-01-20 To Allow a Planned Development: On a Lot Not Less Than Ten (10) Acres in Area: Public Works Superintendent John Lindeman suggested the City will take ownership of the water and sewer with an easement with the developer paying for any repairs or problems in the first 5 to 10 years. City Attorney Phil Jensen will add the necessary changes to the Ordinance for 2nd read at the next meeting. After further discussion, Pat Sanchez motioned to place the Ordinance on 1st read, with the changes to appear on the 2nd read, seconded by Nick Law. Roll Call Vote Aye: Jocelyn Boyd, Jeff Griswold, Pat Sanchez, Sara Purdom, Deb Long, Roger Husband, Jim Friedenbach, and Nick Law. Nay: none. Motion passed.
Sign Request: A petition was brought to the Council requesting "Slow Children at Play" signs in the East Savanna neighborhood from Michigan to Superior Streets. After discussion, Jim Friedenbach motioned to approve the request for four signs, seconded by Nick Law. Roll Call Vote Aye: Sara Purdom, Roger Husband, Jim Friedenbach, Nick Law, Jocelyn Boyd, and Jeff Griswold. Nay: Pat Sanchez and Deb Long. Motion passed.
December 22, 2020, Council Meeting, Discussion: After discussion, Roger Husband motioned to cancel the December 22, 2020, seconded by Jocelyn Boyd. All voting in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
Mayor Chris Lain reminded everyone that election packets are ready to pick up in the office.
Jocelyn Boyd wanted to thank Fire Chief Scott Wolfe for his successful fundraiser. Fire Chief Scott Wolfe acknowledged the retirement of Bud Mix after 45 years and Rex Krueder with 47 years of service to the Fire Department. He also wanted to point out with his monthly report he included what the fire association has accumulated by fundraising and what has been spent over the previous years. The recent Fire Association Fundraiser is looking at an approximate profit of $5,500.
Public Works Superintendent John Lindeman's new employees have started and are fitting in well.
Jeff Griswold asked if any update on the trailer at Watertower & Vine. Public Works Superintendent John Lindeman did not have an update available. He also asked Police Chief Jeff Doran about the transient campsite at the old Water treatment site. Chief Jeff Doran is aware of the situation and daily checks on the gentleman and encourages him to find a permanent location to live.
With nothing further, Mayor Chris Lain made a motion to adjourn at 8:44 P.M.