
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Byron Public Library District Board Met Jan. 13

Webp meeting909

Byron Public Library District Board Met Jan. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Barbara Clubb. Board members present were Elaine Breck, Barbara Clubb, David Conley, Jill Grennan, Sean Hosseini and Susan O’Neil. Also attending was Emily Porter, Director and Beth Murbach, Recording Secretary.

Absent Members: None.

Visitors: Dr. Rachel Hansen

New Board Member Appointment: Oath of Office

Dr. Rachel Hansen was sworn in as an appointed Library Trustee.

Approval of Minutes:

Mrs. Breck made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 9, 2020. The motion was seconded and approved 7-0. The motion was approved by a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 7-0. Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; Dr. Hansen, yes; Mr. Housseini, yes; and Mrs. O’Neil, abstained.

Treasurer’s Report and Monthly Bills:

Mrs. Porter discussed distributed written reports. A motion to ratify the bills was made by Mr. Housseini and seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 7-0: Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; Dr. Hansen, yes; Mr. Housseini, yes; and Mrs. O’Neil, yes.

Librarian’s Report:

Mrs. Porter reported that she did not receive the ALA Libraries Transforming Communities grant.

Mrs. Porter shared that we still are not able to open our doors because of Tier 3 mitigations for our area.

Mrs. Porter went over the Per Capita Grant. It was decided that further discussion about the Per Capita Grant would take place during New Business.

Mrs. Porter went over our curbside statistics.

Mrs. Porter reported that all three trustees returned their completed election packets.

Approved February 10, 2021. Recording available via FOIA request.

Trustee Reports: Committee Reports:

          Finance Committee: None 

          Operations Committee: None 

          Executive Committee: None 

          Facilities Management 

Committee: None 

New Business 

          Per Capita Grant FY21: Mrs. Breck suggested that Mrs. Porter add a technology component in Chapter 12. Mrs. Porter will continue to work on this. Tabled until next month. 

          Board Meeting Ordinance 2021-1: Dr. Hansen made a motion to accept the Board Meeting Ordinance 2021-1 changing the time of our monthly Board Meeting to 5:30 pm. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved by a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 7-0: Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; Dr. Hansen, yes; Mr. Housseini, yes; and Mrs. O’Neil, yes. 

          FOIA Policy FY21: Mr. Conley made a motion to accept the FOIA Policy F21. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved by a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 7-0: Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; Dr. Hansen, yes; Mr. Housseini, yes; and Mrs. O’Neil, yes. 

          FFCRA Policy: Mr. Housseini made a motion to accept the FFCRA Policy. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved by a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 7- 0: Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; Dr. Hansen, yes; Mr. Housseini, yes; and Mrs. O’Neil, yes. 

          Committees Slate: Mrs. Porter went over the committees. Mrs. O’Neil asked to be put back on the Facility Management Committee. Mrs. Clubb suggested that Dr. Hansen be added to Review Closed Session Minutes. 

Unfinished Business: None

Adjournment: Mrs. Grennan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 pm. The 
motion was seconded. The motion was approved by a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 7- 
