City of Dixon City Council met June 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
4. Work Session
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Approval of Total Labor and Outside Claims
7. Approval of Year to Date Financials
8. Department Reports
9. City Manager Report
10. Council Reports
a. Mayor Arellano
b. Councilman Bishop
c. Councilman Considine
d. Councilman Oros
e. Councilman Venier
11. Boards & Commissions Reports
a. Building Report
12. Visitors/Public Comment
13. Ordinance
a. The Petitioner has requested a special use to allow a fast food restaurant at 420 N. Galena Ave., Dixon, Illinois
14. Resolutions
a. Amend the budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 by increasing the line item for “Clothing Allowance” by $1,300 and decreasing multiple lines totaling $1,300.
b. Amend the budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 by increasing the line item for “Real Estate Tax” by $905 within the Public Property budget and decreasing the general fund balance by $905.
c. Amend the budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 by increasing the line item for “Part Time Wages” by $12,000 within the Downtown Maintenance budget and decreasing the line item “Contractual Wages” by $12,000 within the Downtown Maintenance budget.
d. Ray Neisewander III be appointed to the Dixon Airport Board for a term to commence June 21, 2021 and to end December 31, 2023, or until his successor is duly appointed and qualified.
e. Pat Gorman be re-appointed to the City of Dixon Zoning Board of Appeals for a term commencing July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2026; or until their respective successor is duly appointed and qualified.
15. Motiona. Barbeck Communications to install a fiber optic connection between the Public Safety Building and the Lee County ETSB, with the City providing labor and equipment to Vac and refill the necessary holes, along with re-sod.
16. Executive Session
a. To review closed session minutes pursuant to Section 2(c)(21) of the Open Meetings Act.
b. To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act
17. Adjournment