Village of Ashton Board of Trustees Met March 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Village of Ashton Board of Trustees met at 7:00 P.M. with President Henert presiding. Trustees in attendance were Jeff Clark, Chuck Ellis, Susan Larson, and Ermir Ramadani. 1 absent-Holder.
Motion was made by Larson seconded by Ellis to approve the February minutes. Voice votes, 4 ayes – Clark, Ellis, Larson and Ramadani. 0 nays. 1 absent-Holder. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Ellis seconded by Ramadani to draw upon the treasury to pay the monthly bills, payroll, and additional bills in the amount of $52869.99. Voice votes, 4 ayes – Clark, Ellis, Larson and Ramadani. 0 nays. 1 absent-Holder. Motion carried.
Monetta Young sent out request forms to the candidates that are running for the April 6 election, she will have a write up in the paper.
Henert presented an amendment for the Lee-Ogle County Enterprise Zone that will add in two sections for housing developments one in Oregon and one in Dixon, once building is finished they will go back out of the zone. A motion was made by Larson to approve the amendment to the Lee-Ogle County Enterprise Zone a second by Clark. Roll Call Vote, Clark-aye, Ellis-aye, Ramadani-aye, and Larson-aye. 4-ayes. 0-nays. 1-absent- Holder.
Manheim has some permits coming. He is meeting with Larry Anderson tomorrow, he is having a structural engineer from his insurance company to come and take a look at the building. The engineer is going to send us a letter about the façade of the building.
Yater reported they had five calls for February.
Larson stated she attended a virtual Rural Development seminar and would like to get in touch with Langloss from Dixon about some opportunities that we may have. Lorilei our rural development rep was moved up the ladder and we have a new gentleman taking her place. The fire district is also looking at perspective projects from them.
Clark reported that the guys are working on branch and tree pickup, they will start filling potholes soon. A discussion was had about resubmitting the bid from last year for the streets and also getting the road survey done. Henert will also be talking to Fehr-Graham about what they could offer for a parks engineer for the 40 acres the Blum Foundation is gifting the town.
Ellis would like to start getting bids for the cemetery for mowing this summer.
Clark made a motion to adjourn seconded by Larson. Voice votes, 4 ayes – Clark, Ellis, Larson and Ramadani. 0 nays. 1 absent-Holder. Motion carried.