City of Morrison City Council met July 26.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge Of Allegiance
4. Public Comment
5. Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021 Audit Presentation (Att) [1-7]
6. Report Of City Officers, Department Heads, or Committees
7. Consent Agenda (For Action)
1. Approval of Regular Session Minutes July 12, 2021 (Att) [8-10]
2. Bills Payable (Att) [11-21]
3. Approve June Treasurer’s Report (Att) [22]
4. Approve Grundfos Service Proposal for Genesee Lift Station pump repairs ($9,917) (Att) [23-24]
5. Approve 108 W Knox St – corner lot visibility fence height – allow 4 feet (Att) [25-26]
6. Approve street closure request – Harvest Hammer September 18, 2021 – Genesee Av from Winfield St to Prairie Center Rd and Academic Dr from Genesee Av to MJHS (Att) [27-28]
8. Items Removed From Consent Agenda (For Discussion And Possible Action)
9. Items For Consideration And Possible Action
1. Approve Plat of Northwest Addition in Grove Hill Cemetery (Att) [29]
2. Approve development of grave marker regulations requiring they be flush to grade
3. Approve Volunteer Quarry Trail Preliminary Development Plans
4. Approve Department of Fun – “Movie in the Park”
5. Approve FY21 Audit
10. Other Items For Consideration, Discussion & Information
1. Capital Project Planning (Att) [30-32]
2. Public Services Building Design Updates (Att) [33-34]