City of Lanark City Council met Oct. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER/ROLL CALL-Lanark City Council met in regular session at the Lanark City Hall at 7:00 p.m. Roll call taken by Marilyn Heller, City Clerk, showed Alderpersons present were Brad Knutti, Mark Macomber, Lynn Collins, Haley Grim and Weston Burkholder. Alderperson Lance Leverton was absent
Mayor Ken Viglietta was present and presiding.
Others present were: Jeff Hoak, Keenan Dickman, Rosemary Flikkema, Treasurer Donalee Yenney, Police Chief Matt Magill, Maintenance Manager Jason Alvarado, Attorney Ed Mitchell and City Clerk Marilyn Heller.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-was led by Alderperson Haley Grim.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES-MOTION-was made by Alderperson Mark Macomber and seconded by Alderperson Brad Knutti to accept the minutes of the September 21 and October 5 , 2021 meetings as presented. Motion carried by 4 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Haley Grim, Mark Macomber, and Lynn Collins. Abstain: Alderperson Weston Burkholder. Alderperson Lance Leverton was absent
OPEN CHIPPER BIDS – Attorney Ed Mitchell opened and read all 5 bids; Ryan Peterson- Silver Creek Lawn Care $8501.00 , John Warner- Power Sales $8500.00 , Dodger Sipe from Extreme Tree Service$10,000.00 , Arthur Broge $1,500.00 , and Dave Delhotal- DSK Ag. Inc $10,100.00.
Alderson Lynn made a motion to accept the bid of $10,000.00 from Dodger Sipe of Extreme Tree. Motion failed due to lack of a second. Council was unsure and discussed the legalities of accepting the 2nd highest bid but was unable to confirm. A motion was made by Alderperson Brad Knutti and seconded by Alderperson Mark Macomber to table bids for two weeks for clarification. Motion carried by 4 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Haley Grim, Mark Macomber, and Weston Burkholder. Nay: Alderperson Lynn Collins. Alderperson Lance Leverton was absent
NUISANCE DOG BARKING ISSUE – Jeff Hoak quoted ordinance 5-1-7 Animal Causing Nuisance Prohibited in reference to his neighbor’s dog and played recording of dog barking. He asked the council if he could sign and file a complaint. Police Chief discussed that he was not comfortable doing the investigation due to the dog owner being a Lanark part time police officer, and will need to send it to the county. Jeff was advised by the council to call the county when the dog is barking and they will send an officer from county or get in touch with the on duty Lanark officer. Jeff Hoak will be going into the station tomorrow morning to sign/file the complaint.
DECLARE EQUIPMENT SURPLUS – John Deer Tractor 6615 with all attachments to include two loader bucket, basket and spreader box. This item is no longer needed due to getting the new bucket truck. It was mentioned that we should have a possible minimum bid amount for this item. A Motion was made by Alderperson Haley Grim and seconded by Alderperson Mark Macomber to declare the John Deer Tractor 6615 with attachments as surplus. Motion carried by 5 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Haley Grim, Mark Macomber, Weston Burkholder, and Lynn Collins. Alderperson. Alderperson Lance Leverton was absent
DOWNTOWN LIGHTING CONCEPTS – Tabled for next meeting along with MFT
STANDING COMMITTEES AND BOARDS-POSSIBLE ACTION- Park Board – Rosemary Flikkema asked Chief Magill about the cameras for the park. The eight day/night cameras have been ordered but are still not in. Rosemary expressed she is losing her patience and is deeply concerned about the safety of the park with all the ongoing vandalism. Sharing that parents are telling their kids not to go to the park because of things like a used condom was found there on the ground, and a pop can that was used for drugs. The council suggested taking sown the basketball hoops to help with the older group doing the vandalism. They also discussed ideas to address the pavilion rafters issue of kids hiding in them such as putting in chicken wire or a tin ceiling but nothing was decided on. The Tree Board approached with the park board about planting 7 maple trees in the park along the Lanark Ag. fence. The Park Board has discussed other types of trees they may want and they feel like 7 trees is too many for that area. No decision has been made at this time.
EXECUTIVE SESSION- POSSIBLE ACQUISITION AND REAL ESTATE- A MOTION was made by Alderperson Mark Macomber and seconded by Alderperson Weston Burkholder to convene in Executive Session at 7:50 p.m. in order to discuss possible acquisition and real estate. Motion carried by 5 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Haley Grim, Mark Macomber, Weston Burkholder, and Lynn Collins. Alderperson Lance Leverton was absent.
REGULAR SESSION-MOTION-was made by Alderperson Haley Grim and seconded by Alderperson Brad Knutti to reconvene into regular session at 8:14 p.m. Motion carried by 5 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Haley Grim, Mark Macomber, Weston Burkholder, and Lynn Collins Alderperson Lance Leverton was absent.
REPORTS-EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEY, CLERK, TREASURER, ALDERPERSONS AND MAYOR Maintenance Manager Jason Alvarado - looked into getting the generator, no price yet and they are 6 months out so Jason will share more info as it is received. J and R will be coming out to fix hydrants on the spot as there are a few leaking. Two hydrants that are covered due to waiting in parts. The Fire Dept. has been notified of this. Attorney Ed Mitchell – pulled 1981 records on Hazelbower property easement due to the complaint that was shared at the last meeting of city workers/contractors and citizens driving through his property kicking up dust. After looking into, due to the easement being vouge the city has the right to all driveways respectfully. Attorney Ed will be resending a letter that he was sent back in 2007 to the property owner explaining this. Clerk Marilyn Heller – passed out new City of Lanark magnet calendars. Treasurer Donalee Yenney – went over reports – Changes in Bank Balances 9/30/2021 , Changes in Balance by Fund September 30, 2021 , and Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual September 2021. The Park Board did not qualify for the light grant. Matt is in the works of getting a grant for police vests that would pay 50%. Alderperson Brad – commented that Fall Fest was a success. Alderperson Haley – Asked if the tree board could come in to council and if they have started cutting down tree? Haley is concerned about her neighbors tree so she will be emailing Lonnie Prowant. They have not started cutting down trees in town yet. Haley asked Chief Magill if Kruse is still on his report? He is and it is about 80% done. Haley reported that Fall Fest was a success and made around 5K, they spent around 2K so that makes about 3K profit. They are planning on doing it again next year and will not need to spend as much as they can reuse supplies. OSD is hoping to bring in the reenactment that coast between 7-10k and possibly a small carnival. They will be having a meeting by end of month and will have more to report after. Lastly Haley thanked Jason Alvarado for being on call during Fall Fest. Alderperson Mark - Asked if the Library could come to council to report. Mayor Ken will be reaching out to J.L. Hunter to come in for a report.
ADJOURNMENT-MOTION-was made by Alderperson Weston Burkholder and seconded by Alderperson Mark Macomber to adjourn at 8:41 p.m. Motion carried by 5 aye votes.