
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Amboy Community Unit School District 272 Board met Feb. 22

Webp meet

Amboy Community Unit School District #272 Board met Feb. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Jones called the regular board meeting of the Board of Education to order at

7:00 p.m. All board members were present except Pratt and Stenzel. Also present were Joshua

Nichols, Janet Crownhart, Andrew Full, Joyce Schamberger and Jenny Apple.

President Jones opened the floor for public comments. There were none.

A motion was made by Leffelman and seconded by Powers to approve the following

Consent Agenda item(s):

- Minutes of the January 20, 2022, open & closed regular board meetings; and

- Delete audio recordings dated August 20, 2020.

Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

For the financial reports, Superintendent Nichols shared that 86% of the anticipated revenue for the year has been received and $306,346 in sales tax dollars. This is about 100% of the expected local revenue and 54% of the anticipated state revenue. The district has used 67% this fiscal year which is being mostly operating fund’s expenditures. Leffelman asked if there is more to pay on the building project. Superintendent Nichols responded that not everything is done yet and we are holding back 10% until completion of project.

A motion was made by Payne and seconded by White to approve the current expenditures and payroll. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

Principals Janet Crownhart, Andrew Full and Joyce Schamberger reported on curriculum

and school improvement, PBIS, school activities, and building activities.

Superintendent Nichols shared that the ESSER III grant was approved. This is $899,288

that will go to High School HVAC work, fund two years of a Math Interventionist at Central School, afterschool tutoring, bus Wi-Fi equipment, summer school classes, summer enrichment programs, and staff retention incentive stipends.

Joyce Schamberger announced that the Preschool For All Grant is up to be rewritten this

year and will be applying for it.

The first reading of the 2022-2023 school calendar was presented. The big change is the

moving of the parent-teacher conference days from October to the week of Thanksgiving. Payne

asked if there is a downside to not having School Improvement Days November through January.

Superintendent Nichols replied that we found that the teachers prefer these days set this way

over the previous years.

A motion was made by Payne and seconded by Powers to accept the quote from OSF

Saint Paul Medical Center, Mendota, IL, for drug and alcohol testing services for the 2022-2023

school year, as presented. They have been conducting the required testing for mainly bus drivers

and recommends we continue to use them. Powers asked why we don’t have students tested.

Superintendent Nichols replied that the only time a student is tested is when they are in athletics

or extra-curricular activities. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Leffelman and seconded by White to accept the proposal from

Midwest Transit Equipment for the lease extension on the two 2018 72 passenger school buses,

as presented. Extending the lease with a new warranty is cheaper than leasing a new one year

old bus for three years. The current buses are in good shape. Motion carried unanimously upon

roll call.

A motion was made by Payne and seconded by White to accept the quote from CDW-G

LLC for chromebooks, as presented. The Lenovo chromebooks will replace 370 student devices

that are coming off lease this year. The 47 Acer Chromebooks will replace the teacher devices.

Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Payne and seconded by Leffelman to approve the Memorandum

of Understandings between the Amboy Community Unit School District 272 and the Amboy

Education Association and the Teamsters Local Union 722 regarding retention stipends, as

presented. This money comes from the ESSER III grant. All staff members, regardless of

classification or hours, will receive a $1000 retention incentive stipend. The first $500 will be

paid to all employees who were employed at the time of the grant approval and the second $500

will be paid to all employees who are employed at the end of the school year. Motion carried

unanimously upon roll call.

At 7:28 p.m., a motion was made by Powers and seconded by Leffelman to move to

executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,

performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent

contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting or specific volunteers of the public

body; and student discipline. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

At 8:27 p.m., a motion was made by Payne and seconded by White to return to open

session. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Powers and seconded by Leffelman to approve the suspensions of

students 2-22-22-1 through 2-22-22-50, as presented. Motion carried unanimously upon roll


A motion was made by Leffelman and seconded by White to accept and approve the

following personnel: resignation of Danielle Benesh as Social Studies Teacher at the High School,

effective at the conclusion of the 2021-2022 school year; employment of Haylie Barrera as

Special Education Teacher at Central School for the 2022-2023 school year; and employment of

Jordan Shores as Van Driver, effective February 11, 2022. Motion carried unanimously upon roll


Upcoming Dates:

School Board Retreat-Saturday, March 5, 2022, 8:00 a.m.-Junior High School

Regular Board Meeting-Thursday, March 17, 2022, 7:00 p.m.-Junior High


There being no further business to bring before the Board, a motion was made at 8:29

p.m. by Payne and seconded by Powers to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously

upon roll call.
