
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Ashton Franklin Center Community Unit School District 275 Board met May 2

Ashton Franklin Center Community Unit School District 275 Board met May 2.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order 

II. Roll Call 

III. Consent Agenda 

A. Approval of Regular Session Minutes for March 21, 2022

B. Approval of Executive Session Minutes for March 21, 2022

C. Approval of April, 2022 Payroll

D. Approval of April, 2022 Bills

E. Approval of March, 2022 Treasurer’s Report

F. Approval of Financial Report

G. Approval of April AFC Elementary School Student Activity Report

H. Approval of April AFC Junior Senior High School Student Activity Report

IV. Board Liaison Representative Report 

A. Mrs. Fransen- Ogle County Educational Cooperative

B. Mr. Delhotal- Ashton-Franklin Center Education Foundation

C. Mr. Delhotal- Illinois Association of School Boards

D. Mr. Searing- Technology

E. Mrs. Buhrow- AFC FFA Alumni

F. Mrs. Viall & FFA Officers- AFC FFA

G. Mr. Henert- Insurance

H. Mrs. Fransen- PTC

I. Mrs. Willstead- Music Boosters

J. Mr. Murphy- Athletic Boosters

K. Mrs. Willstead- Acknowledgements

V. Recognition of Visitors 

All visitors expecting to speak during this section of the meeting must first register. 

VI. Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Lindy

VII. Principals’ Reports 

A. Jr.-Sr. High School: Mrs. Torman

B. Elementary School: Ms. Burkitt

VIII. Discussion 

A. ES/HS HVAC Project

B. ES HVAC Repair

C. Copier/Printer Lease Proposal from Marco

D. Annual IHSA Membership Renewal

E. Board Policy Manual Update: 1st Reading

F. Annual Agreement with WIPFLI for Auditing Services

G. Informational: Good News!

H. Strategic Planning Discussion

IX. Executive Session to Consider the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline and Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees 

X. Action Items 

A. Consider Approval of the Proposed ES/HS HVAC Project

B. Consider Approval of the Proposal from Helm Services for the Repair of the ES HVAC Unit.

C. Consider Approval of the Copier/Printer Lease Proposal from Marco 

D. Consider Approval of the Annual IHSA Membership Renewal

E. Consider Approval of the FFA Cooperative Annual Loan Request

F. Consider Approval of a Motion to Authorize the Superintendent to Draft a Tentative FY 23 Budget

G. Consider Approval of an Agreement with WIPFLI for Annual Auditing Services H. Consider Approval of the Consolidated District Plan (Title Services)

I. Consider Approval to Non-Renew a Non-Certified Employee

J. Consideration of Employment Issues

XI. Adjourn 
