
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Amboy Community Unit School District 272 Board met May 24

Amboy Community Unit School District 272 Board met May 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Jones called the regular meeting of the Board of Education to order at 7:00 p.m. All board members were present. Also present were Joshua Nichols, Danielle Benesh, Jodi Swartz, Elizabeth Malach, Andruw Jones, Wesley Wilson, Ian Eller, Rachel Miller, Olivia Miller, Yvonne Vicks, Chrissy Shaw, Stacey Dinges, Kelly Foster, Dale Eller, Tina Eller, Olivia Dinges, Dan Dinges, Brandon LaChance, Anna Willis, Janet Crownhart, Andrew Full, Joyce Schamberger, and Jenny Apple.

President Jones opened the public hearing on the 2021-2022 amended budget. The tentative amended budget has been on display as required by law. Superintendent Nichols explained that he adjusted revenue to better reflect what we received, increased spending to cover the lunchroom tables at Central School, the chromebook lease, and the anticipated building addition project cost. This still keeps the insurance at 100% of usage. He still thinks that the Education Fund will either have a slight deficit or break even. There were no questions or comments. Jones declared the public hearing closed.

A motion was made by Payne and seconded by Pratt to approve the 2021-2022 amended budget, as presented. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

The floor was opened to comments from the public. Elizabeth Malach and Chrissy Shaw presented and shared information on personalized parking spots for seniors. Andruw Jones, Ian Eller, and Wesley Wilson shared their concerns over the traffic issues before and after school at the corner of Hawley Street and Metcalf Avenue. Ian Eller, Olivia Dinges, and Olivia Miller presented and discussed their Pathways experience and benefits. Kelly Foster presented a project that students from her Fundamentals of Design class completed. They had to come up with a ficticious business name, create the product by using the cricut and sewing machines, and then pitch it.

A motion was made by Powers and seconded by Stenzel to approve the following consent agenda item(s).

Minutes of the April 21, 2022 Open & Closed Regular Board Meetings; and Delete audio recordings dated November 17, 2020.

Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

For his financial report, Superintendent Nichols shared that the district has received 94% of anticipated revenue for the year and $443,372 in sales tax dollars. The district has used 79% this fiscal year. The operating funds’ expenditures are where we anticipated them with 83% of the school year completed.

A motion was made by Pratt and seconded by White to approve the current expenditures and payroll, as presented. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

Principals Janet Crownhart, Andrew Full, and Joyce Schamberger reviewed their reports as presented.

Superintendent Nichols reported on the issues with getting the cooling systems all up and running, continued vandalism in the bathrooms, and installation of the vape sensors. He also announced that the work has started on the outdoor classroom at Central School.

Received first reading of 2022-2023 student handbooks. Principal Crownhart shared that the only things that have changed in the high school handbook is the dress code and tardies. Principal Full said that his change is dress code and Principal Schamberger didn’t have any to report.

Received first reading of the Illinois Association of School Boards Policy Revisions.

A motion was made by Leffelman and seconded by Payne to approve the 2022-2023 fee schedule, as presented. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Payne and seconded by White to adopt the resolution that appoints Joshua Nichols as preparer of the 2022-2023 tentative budget, as presented. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Pratt and seconded by Leffelman to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Amboy CUSD 272 and Sauk Valley Community College regarding the Impact Program, as presented.

This is a data-sharing agreement about students and their participation in the Impact tuition program. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Leffelman and seconded by Powers to approve the proposal from Dreamscapes by Dennis, Inc. for landscaping at Central School, as presented. This is for removal and to replace the existing landscape outside of the front of Central School. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Payne and seconded by Pratt to approve the proposal from Play Illinois, LLC for playground equipment at Central School, as presented. The proposal is from Play Illinois but purchasing it through a Sourcewell cooperative that is a state-approved cooperative. This is being provided by the Central PTC and a generous donation from the Weller-Weidman family. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Leffelman and seconded by White to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Amboy CUSD 272 and the Amboy Education Association regarding educational and extracurricular stipends, as presented. This is for the Central School Drawing Club position and the Summer School teaching hourly rate. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

At 8:12 p.m., a motion was made by Pratt and seconded by Payne to move to executive session to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting or specific volunteers of the public body; collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives; and student discipline. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

At 10:02 p.m., a motion was made by Pratt and seconded by Powers to return to open session. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by White and seconded by Leffelman to adopt the resolution authorizing student disciplinary action for student 29002, as presented. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Pratt and seconded by Leffelman to approve the suspensions of students 5-24- 22-1 through 5-24-22-56, as presented. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

A motion was made by Pratt and seconded by Payne to accept and approve the following: resignation of Baylee Ricker as 2nd Grade Teacher, effective at the conclusion of the 2021-2022 school year; employment of Brittany Karrow as 240-Day Custodian at the High School, effective May 2, 2022; employment of Kirstyn Carter as Building Secretary at the High School, effective August 1, 2022; employment of Sydnie Garriott as Preschool Teacher for the 2022-2023 school year; employment of Bryson Prusator as Social Studies Teacher at the High School for the 2022-2023 school year; and employment of Susan Spurny as Counselor at Central School for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.

President Jones announced the upcoming date: Regular School Board Meeting - Thursday, June 16, 2022 – Junior High School, 7:00 p.m.

There being no further business to bring before the Board, a motion was made by Powers and seconded by White to adjourn the meeting at 10:06 p.m. Motion carried unanimously upon roll call.
