
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Rock Falls ARPA Committee met Sept. 1

City of Rock Falls ARPA Committee met Sept. 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chairwoman McKanna called the committee meeting to order

Chairwoman McKanna made a motion and Alderman Babel second to approve minutes from May 5, 2022 meeting. Vote via voice – all approved None

Old Business: None

New Business:

Police Department - Purchase of a 2021 Chevy Tahoe to be used as an Incident Command Vehicle from Fulton Police Department in the amount of $50,000.00, fully equipped.

o Chief Pilgrim discussed the purpose of the vehicle, and it is available today. To order a Police vehicle now you must wait for the ordering cycle to open and then could be up to two years before vehicle would be available.

o Alderwoman McKanna made a motion to purchase 2021 Chevy Tahoe from Fulton Police Department for $50,000.00 and second by Alderman Snow, via voice all approved to send to council

Approval of $250,000.00 for the RB&W Park Public Toilet Facilities and Control Room.

o Alderwoman McKanna made a motion to approve the $250,000.00 for the RB&W Park Public Toilet Facilities and Control Room to send to council and second by Alderman Babel, via voice all approved

Discussion on Rock Falls Public Library sofit repairs in the amount of $31,000.00

o Per a contract that the City has with the Library, the City is responsible for the outside and the Library is responsible for the inside.

o Alderwoman McKanna will talk with Amy Lego to find out the details of the sofit repair that is required. If inside – Library should have to pay, if outside City should have to pay.

Request from Sauk Valley Foodbank $30,000.00

о Sauk Valley Foodbank sent in a request to help fund the purchase of a new walk-in cooler. Total cost will be between $40,000 to $70,000.

o Ms. Martinez gave information as to why a new additional cooler is needed and the volume of families that are seen every Saturday through their Parking Lot Pantry Day. Over 9,500 families since January 22, 2022. The additional cooler is required to help keep fresh produce at the correct temperature.

o Alderwoman McKanna made a motion for the request for Sauk Valley Foodbank for $30,000.00 to sent to council and second by Alderman Snow.

No October ARPA meeting

Alderwoman McKanna - Impact program - consideration for next meeting - City of Sterling has committed $10,000.00 a year for five years; City of Rock Falls should consider a onetime payment of $25,000.00

Alderwoman McKanna spoke with Tourism Director Melinda Jones about the restoration of the mural on Route 30 to receive a new quote on the cost of restoration.


Chairwoman McKanna made a motion to adjourn and all approved.
