City of Mount Carroll City Council met Dec. 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Bates called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Mayor Bates, present, Alderman Bandemer, absent, Alderman Bergren, present, Alderman Elliott, present, Alderman Grim, present, Alderman Kaczmarski, present, Alderman Risko, present.
Richard Cass Rang the Bell
1. Old and New Business
Police Committee
A. Accept Resignation of Current Police Chief Scott Marth
Recommendation made to accept Scott Marth resignation as Police Chief and he will stay on as Patrol Officer replacing Tim Mormino and pay rate will be the same rate as Tim.
B. Recommendation of Employment for Police Chief Recommendation made to Hire Richard Cass II as Police Chief.
New Bussiness
1. Discussion and Possible Action to Hire Police Personnel
Recommendation to Accept Resignation of Scott Marth as Chief and stay on as Patrol Officer. Roll Call Vote: Nancy Bandemer, absent, Doug Bergren, yes, Jeff Elliott, yes, Joe Grim, yes, Paul Kaczmarski, yes, Mike Risko Jr, yes. 5 yeses, 1, absent and 0 nos. Motion passed.
Recommendation to Hire Richard Cass II as Police Chief: Roll Call Vote: Nancy Bandemer, absent, Doug Bergren, yes, Jeff Elliott, yes, Joe Grim, yes, Paul Kaczmarski, yes, Mike Risko Jr, yes. 5 yeses, 1, absent and 0 nos. Motion passed.
General audience: No questions asked
Alderman Grim made a motion to adjourrn and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Nancy Bandemer, absent, Doug Bergren, yes, Jeff Elliott, yes, Joe Grim, yes, Paul Kaczmarski, yes, Mike Risko Jr, yes. 5 yeses, 1, absent and 0 nos. Motion passed.