
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Byron City Council met Feb. 15

City of Byron City Council met Feb. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Minutes Approved as Presented 3/1/23

1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Mayor Rickard

3. ROLL CALL – Aldermen present: Todd Isaacs, Mittzi Fulrath, Jessica Nehring, Michael Gyorkos, Christy Hanlin. Five members present.

Aldermen Absent: Emily Gerdes, Zeke Hobbie

PRESENT: Mayor John Rickard

City Clerk Caryn Huber

City Attorney Aaron Szeto

City Administrator Brian Brooks

Dir. of Public Works Aaron Vincer

Dir. of Econ. Dev. Larry Hewitt

Police Chief Todd Murray

Engineer Jason Stoll

Citizens Bill Pirnat, Pam Kultgen, Caitlin Vaughan, Heriberto Santiago, Tom Debnam, William Gartin, Gail Gartin, Ted Engler, Chris Logston, Gary Treese, Brian Malone, Andres Gomez, Joan Sage (Comcast)

4. REVERENCE PERIOD – Mayor Rickard led the Council in prayer.

5. APPROVAL/AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA – Motion by Alderman Hanlin to approve, as presented, the February 15, 2023, agenda. Seconded by Alderman Isaacs. Roll call vote: Fulrath, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 5; NAY, 0; ABS 0.


a. February 1, 2023 – City Council Regular Meeting Minutes – Motion by Alderman Hanlin to approve, as presented, the February 1, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Alderman Gyorkos. Roll call vote: Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Fulrath, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 5; NAY, 0; ABS 0.

7. PUBLIC COMMENT – Tom Debnam stated that his neighbor on S. Walnut St. is draining pool water into his yard, killing grass and causing property damage. Mayor Rickard replied that we will review the ordinances and contact him. • Gail Gartin addressed the council regarding snow plowing in residential areas. Her neighbor across the street (2nd St.) plows snow into her yard and in spring, leaves debris (salt, sand, gravel, etc). She is asking the council to consider enacting an ordinance that states this can only be done with the homeowner’s permission. • Andres Gomez asked the council to consider letting residents raise chickens. He lives on Friday Rd. Mayor Rickard responded that the council recently considered this topic, and currently do not allow the raising of chickens within the city limits.

8. TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Huber stated that the January 2023 Treasurer’s Report is in Dropbox. Two CDs are coming due next month, and we will checking rates locally as well as looking into investing in the Illinois Funds through the Treasurer’s office.

9. LIST OF BILLS – Alderman Gyorkos motioned to approve the List of Bills dated 02/015/23, in the amount of $57,419.76. Motion seconded by Alderman Hanlin. Roll call vote: Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Nehring, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 5; NAY, 0; ABS 0.

10. MAYOR’S REPORT –.Mayor Rickard stated that he would like to appoint Ron Boyer as Alderman to replace Cheryl Metz in Ward 1. He would be sworn in at the first meeting March. His appointment will run through April he will be reappointed for a two year term in May. Alderman Gyorkos motioned to consent to the appointment of Ron Boyer as Alderman, Ward 1. Motion seconded by Alderman Fulrath. Roll call vote: Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 5; NAY, 0; ABS 0. • Director Hewitt will be retiring from the City and this is his last City Council meeting. On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Rickard thanked him and presented him with a recognition plaque for his 18 years of dedicated service to the city.

11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT –Administrator Brooks has asked staff to submit items for Dropbox at least 48 hours in advance of the Committee and Council meetings for council members to have adequate time to review documents. This includes the List of Bills. If additional bills are received after Monday, they will be included on a separate list. • He and the Mayor attended a meeting of the Ogle County Economic Development Corporation. • He is working on the Police Officer repayment agreement. • The General Obligation bonds are closing on February 28. Four banks bid on the bonds (two local banks) and Stillman Bank had the lowest interest rate. The difference in interest rate will provide us with approximately $3,000 in additional project funds. • Administrator Brooks has been registering on the required government grant websites.

12. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT – All items are on the agenda.

13. CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT – Engineer Stoll has been working on the RAISE grant application for intersection improvements at Mill and Tower Roads (Roundabout). The application is due at the end of the month. • Bid documents for the 2023 Streets Program will be out in spring and due in April. • Contract documents are being executed for the TARP grant. • He thanked Director Hewitt for his assistance over the last 18+ years.

14. DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT – Director Hewitt reported that the Spahn and Rose property is being divided into three units. A boutique and chiropractor/wellness center will move into the front of the main building, and Kinetic Grit Crossfit will move into the back. In addition, there are two retail units in the building on the south end of the property. A firearms dealer is interested in one of the units. Director Hewitt has been reviewing plans to split the property • Harry Adams has been able to acquire more parking spaces for his Classics & Colonials buildings. He will finish the second floor of one of the buildings to accommodate additional businesses. • Jessica Nehring is chairing the fireworks committee and is working with the new owners of the Byron Dragway. The fireworks vendor is available on July 2nd or July 3rd.

15. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Director Vincer stated that he received a notice from the EPA that they had not received a recent water report in time. They are requesting that we issue a public notice. The water was tested and sent to the lab on time, however, the results were not communicated from the lab to the EPA in time. TEST is working with us to resolve the issue with EPA, but there is still a possibility we may need to issue the public notice. • There was a water leak at our oldest well site. The tap was under the footing of the water tower and the building. It was near electrical and communications lines. Kelsey Excavating was called to assist. • One of the pressure reducing valves has failed. A replacement part will be on an upcoming list of bills. • Director Vincer thanked Director Hewitt for his help throughout the years. • An initial meeting was held with CORD regarding general concepts for the Public Works Building.

16. POLICE CHIEF REPORT – A police officer is still in training. Another officer is in Champaign for firearms instructor training. • Chief Murray congratulated and thanked Director Hewitt.


a. Community Services – No report.

b. Public Safety – No report.

c. Administrative – No report.


a. Water/Sewer Rate Review – No updates. Administrator Brooks hopes to have information by the next meeting.

b. Comprehensive Plan – Attorney Szeto has written a draft of an RFP for the Comprehensive Plan. He will discuss with Administrator Brooks prior to presenting to council.

c. Byron Forest Preserve Agreement – Director Vincer stated that the Forest Preserve Board should take action on this agreement at their February 27th board meeting.

d. Bergagna Alley Vacation – 113 E. 2nd St. North Side Alley – Attorney Szeto received the vacation drawing and legal description from Fehr Graham. A vacation ordinance is in Dropbox. It will go before the Administrative Committee for a recommendation in March. Attorney Szeto noted that vacation ordinances require a ¾ majority council vote.

e. Comcast Cable Franchise – Administrator Brooks stated that a draft of the Comcast agreement is in Dropbox. Comcast has accepted all of the proposed changes. Joan Sage, Manager of Government and Regulatory Affairs for Comcast, was present. She explained that the agreement is required of the FCC, and allows the cable company to operate in a community. In exchange, the city is allowed to collect a maximum franchise fee of 5%. In addition, Comcast has a program called Internet Essentials that allows eligible households to receive internet for reduced fees. The federal government also has a program that will allow these households to receive a credit and obtain internet for no cost. The Administrative Committee recommends approval of the Comcast Cable Franchise Contract. Roll call vote: Isaacs, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 5; NAY, 0; ABS 0.

f. Sam’s Drive In Liquor License/Video Gaming – Item is in committee. g. Resolution in Support of Ogle County Economic Development Corporation – Item is in committee.

h. Frontier Construction and Utility Use Agreement and Permit – No updates.


a. Peru St. ROW Vacation – Alderman Hanlin asked to clarify the location of the ROW. It is the area immediately to the right, as you are facing the Hairy Cow Brewery. They are asking for the property to use for parking. It will be discussed at the Administrative Committee in March.

20. COUNCIL TALK – Alderman Hanlin reminded council members not to respond to group texts. Instead, respond to the sender individually. • Alderman Isaacs also thanked Director Hewitt for his help and his years of service to the city.


a. Regular City Council Meeting – Wednesday, March 1, 6:30 pm.

22. ADJOURN – Alderman Fulrath motioned to adjourn. Motion seconded by Alderman Isaacs. Roll call vote: Fulrath, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 5; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.

Mayor Rickard adjourned the City Council meeting at 7:04 pm.
