City of Lanark City Council met May 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER/ROLL CALL-Lanark City Council met in regular session at the Lanark City Hall at 7 p.m. Roll call taken by Marilyn Heller, City Clerk, showed Alderpersons present were Alderpersons Kevin Barnes, Haley Grim, Brad Knutti, Ed Stern, Mark Macomber, and Lynn Collins.
Mayor Ken Viglietta was present and presiding.
Others present were: Todd Tunks, Jesse Shekleton, Darin Stykel, Attorney Ed Mitchell, Treasurer Jodi Diffenderfer, Maintenance Manger Jason Alvarado, Chief Matt Magill, and Clerk Marilyn Heller
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-was led by Alderperson Mark Macomber.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES-MOTION-was made by Alderperson Haley Grim and seconded by Alderperson Mark Macomber to accept the minutes of the April 18, 2023 meeting as presented. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye votes; Alderpersons Kevin Barnes, Haley Grim, Brad Knutti, Ed Stern, Mark Macomber, and Lynn Collins.
JO-CARROLL ENERGY PROPOSAL – POSSIBLE ACTION –Jesse Sheckleton, Director of Boardband Operations, gave a presentation on Jo-Carroll Energy bringing Fiber Internet to Lanark. Jo Carroll is a CO-OP serving Jo-Daviess, Carroll, Whiteside and Henry counties with electric, natural gas and broadband. Jesse shared that fiber internet provides greater reliability with few interruptions, higher multiple device connections, and the possibility to increase home value. He went over the prices of packages available currently, adding free installations when completed prior to end of construction. He then showed a map of current fiber communities, such as Mt. Carroll, Lake Carroll, Chadwick, Savannah, East Dubuque, Galena, etc. while also breaking down what step of the process each community is at. He then showed the location, by the Lanark water tower, Jo-Carroll is requesting to install a Fiber Cabinet and the proposed Use of City Property Agreement. Jesse went over briefly the grants being offered to Jo-Carroll and they would like about 30% to 35% interest from residents. The council discussed putting out information to residents in utility bills, social media, and online surveys. The council would like to look over agreement and look into any possible conflicts before making a decision. Tabled to next meeting.
SIGN BUDGET – ATCTION REQUIRED – No action or needed.
Darin Stykel gave an update of Street Light Project. Fehr Graham has stopped all work due an error in installation. Louie’s welded the anchor bolts to the plates so now all the bolts need replaced and the four bases already installed need pulled out. Louie’s billed Fehr Graham 14K for this error and the correction but this was not the specs of the project. The correction will be at no cost to the city or Fehr Graham as it was an error on Louie’s Trenching. Darin is hoping they will start back up on Monday. Alderperson Haley asked how long the workers will continue to park on the empty lot as the Farmers Market will be starting up June 6th. The end date is undetermined at this time.
LOCATOR – POSSIBLE ACTION – Maintenance Manager Jason handed out a quote from J&R for a water and sewer locator with gps and software for a total of $19,070.00 as discussed at previous council meeting. When ComEd hit the water main in three places a few weeks back it cost the city 5.5K and this equipment will prevent this. There will be a monthly subscription for the software and for support. Jason reached out twice to another company but have not heard back. Alderpersons Mark Macomber and Brad Knutti asked for Jason to get a quote from Lee Jenson and bring to next council meeting.
Tabled to next meeting.
REPORTS-EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEY, CLERK, TREASURER, ALDERPERSONS AND MAYOR- Chief Matt Magill – shared the new software for the website will be online soon and he will be setting up the clerk as a user to add meeting minutes and agendas. He will be working on getting updated photos the Farmers Market and the school. Chief Magill then went over the Code Enforcement Tracking Report Thru 05/02/2023. Noting he can now take over the enforcement on Burkholder property as it is no longer a conflict of interest with Weston off the council. The council discussed how they hung Attorney Ed Mitchell “out to dry” with this conflict. Alderperson Brad shared he left a message with Roger on this property. Matt continued, Lawrence property he will be working with Attorney Ed to escalate next steps. Alderperson Haley asked for an update on Brian Kruse property and Chief Magill stated he did talk to Brian Kruse about the vehicles but forgot to add to this report. He then moved onto the Tittsworth property as the Moores are back in the house but will now be going after the property owners for the issues. Darin will work on getting a copy of freeports rental property registry for Chief Magill. Chief Magill will still need to get an email for Kevin Barnes and new name places for the two new aldermen. Alderperson Kevin asked Chief Magill on ATV stickers as he has seen a few without. Chief Magill shared he took a break due to Covid but just started back up this year and he probably 1/3 of the way completed. Mayor Ken– went over options for the 100 incomplete surveys; to hire an outside company to collect, add a fine on water bills, or shut off water. The council then also discussed the options for the residents that are refusing to fill out the survey and participate. The city has already missed out on 2 million dollars due not having 100% participation. If the property owners are refusing to have lead pipes replaced, they will have to sign a waiver refusing they city and at that point it will become 100% the owners responsibly. Darin shared the option of placing liens on all of the properties refusing so the expense of replacing the service line doesn’t fall on new unaware home owners when they sell or transfer the deed as lead pipes are not mandatory to disclose. Jason handed out the newest list of uncompleted surveys. Clerk Marilyn – gave Alderpersons Mark and Ed their Certificate of Election and Abstract of Votes. Also, review of executive minutes will be on the next meeting agenda per the 6-month requirement. Treasurer Jodi – received the engagement letter from Dan at Lucas Group for the audit and will have it on the next agenda. She will also have year end financials presented at the meeting and she hoping to start the audit the first week of July. Jodi will also work on putting together binders with the monthly financials for the alderpersons. Alderperson Lynn – asked Maintenance Manager Jason if we allow people to do their own curb and gutter. After discussing all the variables, the council does not allow this. If there are objections, they can come to a council meeting. Alderperson Brad – thanked Matt for checking on a car for him. Mayor Ken – shared that J.L. Hunter will give the library annual financial report the first meeting in June. He also asked the treasurer for the cemetery board to give a financial report as well. Toney McCombie gave an update on releasing the $112K, she did speak to Speaker Emanual Welch and its looking like its going to happen.
ADJOURNMENT-MOTION-was made by Alderperson Mark Macomber and seconded by Alderperson Brad Knutti to adjourn at 9:01 p.m. Motion carried by 6 voice votes.