The Carroll County Courthouse | WikipediA
The Carroll County Courthouse | WikipediA
City of Mt. Carroll City Council met March 26.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Superintendent Jonathan Armstrong rang the bell to announce the start of the meeting. Mayor Carl Bates called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Mike Risko, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, Alderman Doug Bergren, present.
Alderman Risko led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jeff Davis gave the Invocation
Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 12, 2024 Regular City Council meeting Alderman Risko seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, Vote: 4 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
Alderman Elliott made a motion to authorize the payments of claims payable for $35,768.54 Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Risko, yes. Vote: 4 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.
Mayor Bates reported the bank account balances were totaling $3,822,723.77 as of March 26, 2024.
Superintendent Jonathan Armstrong reported that they took the 1-ton Sludge Truck to Northern Illinois Diesel and had 2 injectors that were bad replaced at the cost of $2,200.00. Water tower painting scheduled to start April 1, 2024, the tower will shut down for at least 20 days while the work is completed and we will run the system on pressure. Shaw’s Express lift station repairs are completed and Shaw’s Express also installed a grease trap to help with the issues. All certifications are completed for Jonathan to take over as Superintendent with IEPA. Clay Street/Route 78 IDOT project scheduled to start on 4/15/24.
Recommendation to pay accounts 26 payables for a total of $41,050.84.
A. Budgets for Garbage, Debt Servie, Water, Sewer, Capital Improvement Fund and WWTP: All Budgets reviewed. Alderman Risko made a motion to approve the budgets as presented and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
B. Update on Kunes Resipical Agreement: Calculations show no payment is due this year.
C. Use of Personal Creidt Cards: Mayor Bates addressed the issue of employees using personal cards to pay for supplies and that they should be using the City Credit issued to them.
1. Discussion and Possible Action to Appoint Jody Wolber for Alderman Ward 2: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to appoint Jody Wolber to Alderman Ward 2 and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Risko, yes Vote: 4 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
Second Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Mike Risko, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, Alderman Doug Bergren, present, Alderman Jody Wolber, present.
2. Approve Mayor Bates’s Appointments: Adding Alderman Elliott to the BDD Committee. Alderman Jody Wolber to Streets, Water & Sewer, Building and License & Ordinance Commitees. Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve all appointments and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
3. Discussion and Possible Action on Development Agreement-Early Childhood Development and Shimer Square: Mayor announced an error in Section 4 to amend the wording stating the devolper WILL secure a licensed operator. Alderman Risko made a motion to approve the Agreement with the ammended wording in Section 4 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 nos. Motion
1. Discussion and Possible Action for Donation Request of $1,400.00 from the Mount Carroll Chamber of Commerce for Farmers Market Music: Alderman Kaczmarski said he would like to consider a smaller donation due to the cost of cleaning the restrooms at the Kraft Building being $500.00. Mayor Bates responded that with no Mayfest this year and we have the funds available in the Band Fund we do the $1,400.00 request and figure out the bathroom costs later. Alderman Risko said the Community Foundation also donated $500.00 and agreed that we should donate a smaller amount and the City pay to clean the bathrooms. Pam Sorg spoke that they are trying to get more bands, which costs more. Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve a donation of $1,000.00 and the City will pay for the bathroom cleaning, with Alderman Risko seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, NO, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes Vote: 4 yeses and 1 nos. Motion carried.
2. Discussion and Possible Action for Ordinance No. 2024-03-01, An Ordinance Amending the Cost of the Golf Carts and Non-highway Vehicles Permit to $50.00: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2024-03-01 increasing the fee from $25.00 to $50.00 per permit. Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
3. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution R3-2024 MFT Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve Resolution R3-2024 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Risko, yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
4. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution R4-2024 Transfer of Funds from CIF to Forestry Fund: Alderman Elliott made the motion to approve Resolution R4-2024 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Risko, yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
5. Discussion and Possible Action to Accept the Resignation from Tom Sorg as Zonning Officer: Alderman Kaczmarski made the motion to approve Tom Sorg’s Resignation and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Risko, yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
1. Energy Efficiency Assessment at the WWTP
2. Planning Commission meeting April 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
General Audience:
MSA Updates
Mayor Bates read the City Highlights of 2023-2024.
Alderman Risko gave a presentation about subjects from the Letters to the Editor. Bill Zink thanked everyone for the retirement party.
Alderman Bergren asked if there were any updates on the vacant house on Pleasant Street.
Alderman Elliott made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Ellott, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 5 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.