
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Dixon City Council met Aug. 5

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Dixon City Council. (L-R) Chris Bishop, Mary A. Oros, Glen Hughes, Mike Venier, & Dennis H. Considine (not pictured) | City of Dixon

Dixon City Council. (L-R) Chris Bishop, Mary A. Oros, Glen Hughes, Mike Venier, & Dennis H. Considine (not pictured) | City of Dixon

City of Dixon City Council met Aug. 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation

4. Retirement – Police Department

a. Sergeant Matthew Coppotelli

5. Oath of Office – Fire Department

a. Deputy Chief Adam Arnould

b. Lieutenant Nathan McCoy

6. Visitors/Public Comment

7. Approval of Minutes

8. Approval of Total Labor and Outside Claims

9. Department Reports

10. City Manager Report

11. Council Reports

a. Mayor Hughes

b. Councilman Bishop

c. Councilman Considine

d. Councilman Oros

e. Councilman Venier

12. Ordinances

a. Authorizing the Sale of Certain Personal Property Owned by the City of Dixon – Police Department Duty Weapons

13. Resolutions

a. Confirming Appointment to the City of Dixon Plan Commission

b. Resolution of Support and Encouragement for Extinguishment of Original Charitable Gift Conditions of Judge Solomon Bethea

c. Resolution to Appropriate $788,000 Local Infrastructure Funds for the RAISE Grant Project Section Number 22-00183-00-BR

14. Motions

a. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Joint Funding Agreement with Illinois Department of Transportation with respect to the RAISE Grant Project Section Number 22-00183-00-BR for State Let Construction Work

15. Adjournment


13. Resolutions

a. Appointment of Teresa Tucker to the City of Dixon Plan Commission for a term ending August 31, 2026; or until her successors is duly appointed and qualified.
