Delbert Belken, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of East Dubuque
Delbert Belken, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of East Dubuque
City of East Dubuque Zoning Board met Aug. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
I. Call to Order
A. Roll Call / City Clerk Pam McCarthy
Brad Burgmeier, Jesse Hosch, Paul Largent, Dave Lechnir, Robin Pearson, Deb Redmon and Justin Taylor
B. Establishment of Quorum / Chairperson Dave Lechnir
Quorum established
II. Procedures
A. Reading of the Legal Notice / Chairperson Dave Lechnir
B. Explanation of Hearing Procedures and Order of Business / Chairperson Dave Lechnir
C. Presentation from Amended Special Use Applicant – Bridge City Collective
Was here to answer questions if there were any.
III. Questions & Comments
A. Members of the Zoning Board
Will you survive by having two other dispensaries in the area. No, they are not concerned. The only reason for moving across the road is because of the water issue off the bluff.
B. Public Comments in Favor of the Request
C. Public Comments Opposed to the Request
D. Final Comments from Zoning Board
IV. Staff Report & Recommendations from Zoning Administrator
A. Findings of Fact / City Manager Bob Seitz
The only thing we are considering tonight is whether to allow the business to move down and across the street from its original address. There is nothing against the code by making the move. Nothing in the community was determined to be a negative. There are positives with the move as they will now have a green space and eliminating a couple of eye sores.
Recommend is in favor of Amended Special Use Applicant from Bridge City Collective.
B. Discussion and Possible Action on Recommendation to City Council
i. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Ordinance to Amend Special Use Permit for Adult Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization Approved July 11, 2022 in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois
Motion by Deb Redmon to Approve An Ordinance to Amend Special Use Permit for Adult Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization Approved July 11, 2022 second by Robin Pearson ROLL CALL: Ayes – Brad Burgmeier, Jesse Hosch, Paul Largent, Dave Lechnir, Robin Pearson, Deb Redmon and Justin Taylor Motion carried
V. Other Business
VI. Adjournment
End Time: 5:08 p.m.
Motion by Robin Pearson to Adjourn second by Deb Redmon ROLL CALL: Ayes – Brad Burgmeier, Jesse Hosch, Paul Largent, Dave Lechnir, Robin Pearson, Deb Redmon and Justin Taylor Motion carried