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Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Polo City Council met Aug. 5

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City of Polo City Council met Aug. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Invocation.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Call to order- Mayor Knapp called the meeting to order.

4. Mayor Knapp called roll call and the following members of the Council answered present: Alderman Larry Weaver, Alderman Thomas Bardell, Alderman Joseph Kochsmeier, Alderman James Busser, and Alderman Randy Schoon.

Absent: Alderman Keith Chesnut.

5. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Motion made by Alderman Busser seconded by Alderman Kochsmeier to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

A. Minutes from the July 15, 2024 Council Meeting.

B. Minutes from the July 15, 2024 Public Hearing.

Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Weaver, Bardell, Kochsmeier, Busser, and Schoon.

6. Mayor Knapp opened Public Comment and the following persons provided comments: Members of the public are welcome to speak at this time but are limited to only 3 minutes.

7. Committee Reports

➢ Alderman Chesnut- None.

➢ Alderman Weaver- Alderman Weaver reported that there was an issue with a building permit. The proposed building encroached on our storm sewer. The owners were willing to rearrange their garage plans to allow the city to have access to our storm sewer if an event ever occurred.

➢ Alderman Bardell- The pool will be having back to school hours next week. Everything has been going well this season.

➢ Alderman Schoon- None.

➢ Alderman Busser- None.

➢ Alderman Kochsmeier- None.

➢ Police Chief Matt Coppotelli- Chief Coppotelli introduced Rebecca Flynn who is one of our next part-time officers. She is in training right now but then she will be on her own shortly.

➢ City Clerk Bartelt- None.

➢ Public Works Director Kendall Kyker- Public Works Director Kyker explained his grievances about being pulled from a city job due to a FOIA threat. Kendall and his crew will be working on any city job going forward. The public works helping out on a city job saves the City of Polo so much money. He would appreciate that if anyone has concerns about the City of Polo helping out on a city job to approach him directly and he can explain the situation.

8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda


9. Old Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on diversifying City Funds to multiple banks.

No decision at this time.

B. Consideration & Possible Action on a road closure with alcohol consumption for the Polo Chamber of Commerce Chili Cook-off.

Alderman Schoon, Mayor Knapp, and Attorney Suits met to see if we could accommodate all the bars to be able to participate and we are not able to do that with our current ordinance for liquor license. Their main concern is safety. The council has asked Attorney Suits to draft an ordinance to allow for the road closure and to allow alcohol. The chili cook-off hours will be from 7AM to 4PM. They would like the first block of Mason Street from Division to Franklin to be blocked off for the event.

C. Consideration of the possible adoption of the 2024 ICC building codes.

The consensus is to go with the 2020 building codes.

10. New Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on hiring full-time police officers.

Alderman Kochsmeier made a motion to hire Kaden Coppotelli as a full-time police officer, seconded by Alderman Bardell. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Weaver, Bardell, Kochsmeier, Busser, and Schoon.

At this time, Mayor Knapp swore in police officer Kaden Coppotelli.

B. Consideration & Possible Action on ordinance 24-11, an ordinance regarding an Administrative Adjudication Process to handle Ordinance violations. (first reading)

The Polo City Council accepted the first reading of ordinance 24-11.

C. Consideration & Possible Action on a contract with JB contraction corporation for fire monitoring system for the new City Hall building.

Alderman Bardell made a motion to approve an annual contract with JB contraction for the fire monitoring system for the new City Hall building, seconded by Alderman Weaver. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Bardell, Kochsmeier, Busser, Schoon, and Weaver.

D. Consideration & Possible Action on pay request #5 for Irving Construction.

Alderman Busser made a motion to approve pay request #5, seconded by Alderman Schoon. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Kochsmeier, Busser, Schoon, Weaver, and Bardell.

E. Consideration & Possible Action on concrete work at 212 S. Division Ave.

Alderman Bardell made a motion to approve purchasing concrete for 212 S. Division Ave, seconded by Alderman Weaver. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Busser, Schoon, Weaver, Bardell, and Kochsmeier.

11. Other Items for Discussion & Information


12. Adjournment

Motion by Alderman Kochsmeier, second by Alderman Busser to adjourn from regular session at 7:54 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
