
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Dixon City Council met Nov. 4

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Glen Hughe, Dixon City Mayor | Glen Hughes for Dixon Mayor / Facebook

Glen Hughe, Dixon City Mayor | Glen Hughes for Dixon Mayor / Facebook

City of Dixon City Council met Nov. 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation

4. Work Session

5. Visitors/Public Comment

6. Approval of Minutes

7. Approval of Total Labor and Outside Claims

8. Department Reports

9. City Manager Report

10. Council Reports

a. Mayor Hughes

b. Councilman Bishop

c. Councilman Considine

d. Councilman Oros

e. Councilman Venier

11. Ordinances

a. Ordinance Approving Petition of Dixon Land Group, LLC for Approval of Final Plat of Re-Subdivision of Outlot B of Gateway Subdivision

b. Ordinance Authorizing a Variance Pursuant to the Petition of Joseph M. Chrisham 1212 Eustace Drive, Dixon, Illinois

c. Ordinance Authorizing Acceptance of Donation of Real Property – 807 West Second Street

d. Ordinance Authorizing the 12. Resolutions

a. Resolution Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures

b. Resolution Authorizing an Inter-Fund Loan from the General & Community Development Funds to the Fargo Creek TIF Fund

c. Resolution Amending 2024-2025 Budget – Purchase of Property

d. Resolution Amending 2024-2025 Budget – Fire Budget – Maintenance & Repairs

e. Resolution Amending 2024-2025 Budget – Fire Budget – Medical Expenses

f. Resolution Amending 2024-2025 Budget – Safe Passage

13. Motions

a. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Dixon and Illinois Department of Transportation for Airport Rehab Runway 12/30

b. Discussion and Possible Approval to Award the Bid for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Rock River Armoring Project to Martin & Company Excavating for their low bid amount of $439,905.06

c. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Purchase of Microsoft Office 2024 from Dell Technologies

14. Adjournment
