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Downtown Polo | WikipediA
City of Polo City Council met Dec. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Invocation.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Call to order- Mayor Knapp called the meeting to order.
4. Mayor Knapp called roll call and the following members of the Council answered present: Alderman Keith Chesnut, Alderman Larry Weaver, Alderman Joseph Kochsmeier, Alderman James Busser and Alderman Randy Schoon.
Absent: Alderman Thomas Bardell.
5. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
Motion made by Alderman Schoon seconded by Alderman Busser to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes from the November 18, 2024 Council Meeting.
Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Chesnut, Weaver, Kochsmeier, Busser, and Schoon.
6. Mayor Knapp opened Public Comment and the following persons provided comments: Members of the public are welcome to speak at this time but are limited to only 3 minutes.
7. Committee Reports
➢ Alderman Chesnut- None.
➢ Alderman Weaver- The city issued 5 building permits in November.
➢ Alderman Bardell-None.
➢ Alderman Schoon- Congress School asbestos project has been completed. It took them about a week to complete the work. For solar farms within 1.5 miles of the city limits, the city can express their concerns about a proposed solar farm but the County may be sued if they turn down the permit request. Ogle County already has one pending law suit against them. If the city has a specific use for the land within the 1.5 miles of the corporate limits in our comprehensive plan, then that would be reason enough to shut down a proposed solar farm.
➢ Alderman Busser- None.
➢ Alderman Kochsmeier- None.
➢ Police Chief Matt Coppotelli- None.
➢ City Clerk Bartelt- None.
➢ Public Works Director Kendall Kyker- Leaf vac has been completed. Yard waste is done for the year. Porter Brothers should be here Wednesday or Thursday to complete the work at the pavilion. Blacktop for well #5 should be starting next week.
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
9. Old Business- Discussion/Action Items
A. Consideration & Possible Action on Ordinance 24-17, the 2024 Tax Levy. (Second Reading)
Alderman Busser a motion to approve ordinance 24-1, seconded by Alderman Kochsmeier. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Chesnut, Weaver, Kochsmeier, Busser, and Schoon.
10. New Business- Discussion/Action Items
A. Consideration & Possible Action on Ordinance 24-16, an ordinance for towing fees. (First reading) The Polo City Council accepted the first reading of ordinance 24-16.
B. Consideration & Possible Action on the 2024 Polo Dollars for City employees.
Alderman Busser made a motion to approve the 2024 Polo Dollars for City employees, seconded by Alderman Weaver. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Weaver, Kochsmeier, Busser, Schoon, and Chesnut.
C. Consideration & Possible Action on moving upcoming renewing CDs to different financial institutions. We have 2 CDs that are coming due this month; a general CD in the amount of $21,984.48 and a sanitation CD in the amount of $16,820.44. First State Bank is offering 3.40% for 12 months. They are currently at 4.25%. Ryan Martz from Solutions Bank is offering 4.25% for 12 months. Alderman Schoon made a motion to move two CDs from First State Bank to Solutions Bank, seconded by Alderman Weaver. Motion carried 4-1. Yes- Kochsmeier, Schoon, Chesnut, Weaver. Abstain- Busser.
11. Other Items for Discussion & Information
Alderman Schoon stated that the City of Oregon gave him the wrong sheet regarding water rates. They charge double their additional usage rate which brings bulk water to about $6.00 for 100 cubic feet of water sold. The City of Polo currently charges $6.50 per 100 cubic feet of water for bulk water. Alderman Schoon thinks we should charge $7.00. Several aldermen think we shouldn’t allow it at all. No other discussion was held on the matter.
There are three properties that are on the lead service list that Five Star Energy Services is having issues with getting the services replaced. One has a plumbing issue that needs to be fixed before the service can be replaced, one is vacant and the bank is not letting anyone into the property, and the other property owner is refusing to let the service be replaced. Alderman Scoon would like an ordinance drafted that if these services can not be replaced, the City has the right to shut off the water. All lead and galvanized services need to be changed by June 1, 2025 or the City will have to do 20 water tests twice a year. Theses tests are very costly. Mayor Knapp would like to approach the one home owner one more time to see if they may change their mind. The other home owner, Kendall is going to reach out with some information to see if they could get additional resources to get their plumbing issue fixed. Attorney Suits would like to reach out to the Illinois General Attorney to see if they can issue a force of law for these residential properties to get the services changed. This will be discussed again next meeting.
12. Adjournment
Motion by Alderman Schoon, second by Alderman Busser to adjourn from regular session at 7:29 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.