
NW Illinois News

Friday, February 21, 2025

City of East Dubuque City Council met Jan. 6

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Jeff Burgmeier, Alderman - Ward 3 | City of East Dubuque

Jeff Burgmeier, Alderman - Ward 3 | City of East Dubuque

City of East Dubuque City Council met Jan. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
    1.    24-0101    Call to Order – Mayor Digman
Start Time: 6:00 pm
Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Fluhr, Alderperson Meier, Alderperson Robey, Mayor Digman and Attorney Hess
    2.    24-0102    Staff Reports
    a.    City Manager Report
Update on the K-9 from a previous meeting that the sale with the Sheriff’s Department fell through. We did make a sale to a county in Iowa for $41,000 for the squad. We were able to keep equipment from the vehicle so that we will be able to put it in the next vehicle. Looks like we have a buyer for Odin. We will have all that money available when we restart the K-9 Unit again.
Police Station demo asked three contractors to submit estimates and only one has followed through. Will look at the offer that came in and if it is reasonable will let them know they have the job. We need to get the demo done so that we can get the asbestos work taken care of. Then that will let us take offers from general contractors for the build.
Last week City Manager and Public Works Director met with the Army Corps of Engineer that did their annual inspection of the levy. Levy is in good shape some of the culverts need attention. Pleased that we have replaced all the permanent pumps in the last couple of years. 
Sold one of the surplus Fire Trucks. Drove a hard bargain by selling it for $25,000.
Then went through showing the preliminary drawings of the Police/Fire Station. See council meeting for the drawings.
Is there a radio room? Discussed and will be just outside in the breeze way between the two buildings. The bell will be restored.
    b.    Mayor Report
This is great to see this project come to be. Like to thank Chief Heim and Chief Kovacic for working together on what is needed and what does not. This is really exciting. City Manager Seitz seconds this. 
    c.    Alderperson Report
    i.    Belken
    ii.    Burgmeier
Wondering why we don’t have our websites with information for the cable companies in the area that we use.
    iii.    Degenhardt
Really proud of East Dubuque with all the progress we are going through right now. 
    iv.    Fluhr
    v.    Meier
    vi.    Robey
    d.    City Attorney, Susan Hess
    e.    Police Chief, Luke Kovacic
    f.    Public Works Director, Tony VanOstrand
    g.    Fire Chief, Joe Heim
    i.    Swearing In, Promotion and Badge Pinning
Jeffrey Puccio was sworn in and pinned. River Alvarado is being promoted to Lieutenant and pinned. 
    3.    24-0103    Speakers from the Floor
No Speakers. 
    4.    24-0104    Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 12/16/24, Public Safety Reports(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence)
Motion by Alderperson Belken to Approve Consent Agenda (City Council Minutes 12/16/24, Public Safety Reports(s), Warrants, Zoning Minutes and Correspondence) second by Alderperson Meier    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Fluhr, Alderperson Meier and Alderperson Robey    Motion carried 
    5.    24-0105    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve A Pre-Annexation Agreement with Leibold North Properties, LLC in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
This is the annexation request for the Leibold property. Went through the Zoning Board unanimously on Thursday January 2, 2025. This is a long-time business with a national reputation that is good for the city. Also, financially good for the city gives us ties for extending the limits of the city. Leibold will be paying 44% of the extension from the water main while bringing additional property tax. Recommending that this be approved. The difference with this one is that it is a non-contiguous annexation. This will be a 20 year agreement until there is property between that would then become city limits. 
Is this in the general business district? Is just a commercial business district. 
Motion by Alderperson Burgmeier to Approve A Pre-Annexation Agreement with Leibold North Properties, LLC second by Alderperson Degenhardt    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Fluhr, Alderperson Meier and Alderperson Robey    Motion carried
    6.    24-0106    Discussion and Proclamation that January 2025 as National Human Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month into the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
They just want to make sure that people are aware of what is going on and that they speak up when they see something going on.
They are having a showing of Maya at the Phoenix Theatre on Wednesday January 22 at 5:30. 
Mayor read the proclamation and signed it.
No motion required.
    7.    24-0107    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve A Resolution Providing an Inducement to 128 Sinsinawa, LLC Regarding a Redevelopment Project in the City of East Dubuque downtown Redevelopment Project Area in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
Demonstrating our support for the revitalization of the downtown area. Would like to offer a TIF incentive since things have been moving fast, we just want them to see that we would like to support them. There will be a formal resolution at one of the coming meetings.
Is this the building next to the new dispensary or which is it. This is the building that will house the new dispensary. It is not owned by the dispensary but leased.
Did they come to us and ask for a certain amount? Yes, they have with us being in discussions with them for a while. They kept moving ahead with the thought that we would support them. This will be with the addition of the park next door that will not be generating revenue. 
Motion by Alderperson Burgmeier to Approve A Resolution Providing an Inducement to 128 Sinsinawa, LLC Regarding a Redevelopment Project in the City of East Dubuque downtown Redevelopment Project Area second by Alderperson Belken    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Fluhr and Alderperson Meier    Motion carried    Nays – Alderperson Robey
    8.    24-0108    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2025, of the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, in an Aggregate Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $4,500,000 for the Purpose of Financing the Costs of Various Capital-Related Items within the City and Providing for the Levy of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient for the Payment of the Principal of and Interest on Said Bonds in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
Going through this process is the final stage before release of any funds. The key point is the cost will cover the cost of the building but we do not intend to use this until we need help. These do not increase property tax we use against our revenue when we use bonds. These must be repaid. This is not going on people’s taxes. No because we have the revenue stream.
Motion by Alderperson Belken to Approve An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2025, of the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, in an Aggregate Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $4,500,000 for the Purpose of Financing the Costs of Various Capital-Related Items within the City and Providing for the Levy of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient for the Payment of the Principal of and Interest on Said Bonds second by Alderperson Degenhardt    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Fluhr, Alderperson Meier and Alderperson Robey    Motion carried
    9.    24-0109    Discussion and Possible Action to Approve CFPS Oxford Street Sewer & Water Loan Application Invoices #2 Final in the City of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Illinois / Mayor Digman, City Manager Seitz
This is paying the bills to get us where we are today.
Motion by Alderperson Burgmeier to Approve CFPS Oxford Street Sewer & Water Loan application Invoices #2 Final second by Alderperson Fluhr    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Fluhr, Alderperson Meier and Alderperson Robey    Motion carried
    10.    24-0110    Adjourn
End Time: 6:40 pm
Motion by Alderperson Degenhardt to Adjourn second by Alderperson Belken    ROLL CALL: Ayes – Alderperson Belken, Alderperson Burgmeier, Alderperson Degenhardt, Alderperson Fluhr, Alderperson Meier and Alderperson Robey    Motion carried
