Downtown Polo | WikipediA
Downtown Polo | WikipediA
City of Polo City Council met Jan. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Invocation.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Call to order- Mayor Knapp called the meeting to order.
4. Mayor Knapp called roll call and the following members of the Council answered present: Alderman Larry Weaver, Alderman Thomas Bardell, Alderman Joseph Kochsmeier, and Alderman Randy Schoon. Absent: Alderman Keith Chesnut and Alderman James Busser.
5. Certificate Presentation for Kaden Coppotelli.
6. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
Motion made by Alderman Bardell and by Alderman Schoon to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes from the January 6, 2025 Council Meeting.
B. List of Bills as amended. Alderman Kochsmeier added bills for RAMP for $2,449.02 and Blue Cross Blue Shield for $16,630.16 for the administration department.
C. Treasurer’s Report
Motion carried 4-0. Yes- Weaver, Bardell, Kochsmeier, Schoon.
7. Mayor Knapp opened Public Comment and the following persons provided comments: Members of the public are welcome to speak at this time but are limited to only 3 minutes.
8. Committee Reports
➢ Alderman Chesnut- None.
➢ Alderman Weaver- There will be a zoning board of appeals meeting on January 28th at 6:30 PM at City Hall for a front yard setback variance.
➢ Alderman Bardell- None.
➢ Alderman Kochsmeier- None.
➢ Alderman Busser- None.
➢ Alderman Schoon- None.
➢ Police Chief Matt Coppotelli- None.
➢ City Clerk Bartelt- None.
➢ Public Works Director Kendall Kyker- None.
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
A. None
9. Old Business- Discussion/Action Items
A. Consideration & Possible Action on ordinance 25-01, an ordinance addressing public camping and homeless encampments. (second reading).
Alderman Kochsmeier made a motion to approve ordinance 25-01, seconded by Alderman Bardell. Motion carried 4-0. Yes- Bardell, Kochsmeier, Schoon, Weaver.
10. New Business- Discussion/Action Items
A. Consideration & Possible Action on Pay Request #10 for Sjostrom & Sons and engineering invoice. Alderman Schoon made a motion to approve pay request #10, seconded by Alderman Kochsmeier. Motion carried 4-0. Yes- Kochsmeier, Schoon, Weaver, Bardell.
B. Consideration & Possible Action on Pay Request #1 for the Polo Market Asphalt Project. Alderman Schoon would like to talk to Fehr Graham about this. Kendall and Ed were the ones who did all the flagging for 2 days. We were charged $5,600 for flagging when the City of Polo did most of the flagging.
C. Consideration & Possible Action on payment to Legacy Prints from the BDD fund.
Alderman Schoon made a motion to approve payment to Legacy Prints in the amount of $5,000 from the BDD fund, seconded by Alderman Bardell. Motion carried 4-0. Yes- Schoon, Weaver, Bardell, Kochsmeier.
D. Consideration & Possible Action on switching financial and utility billing software company. After much discussion, the consensus of the council is to switch to LOCIS software. Sydney will contact LOCIS and get a contract for the council to review at the next meeting.
11. Other Items for Discussion & Information
12. Adjournment
Motion by Alderman Bardell second by Alderman Weaver to adjourn from regular session at 7:36 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.