
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Rock Falls Council met June 6.

City of Rock Falls Council met June 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of Rock Falls, Illinois was called to order by Mayor William B. Wescott at 6:30 p.m. on June 6th, 2017 in the Council Chambers of Rock Falls,

City Clerk Eric Arduini called the roll following the pledge of allegiance. A quorum was present including Aldermen Reitzel, Logan, Snow, Kuhlemier, Schuneman, Kleckler, Folsom, and Sobottka, In addition City Attorney Jim Reese and City Administrator Robbin Blackert were present,

A moment of silence was observed for Lorraine Dahlstrom, and also Les Bellah, former Mayor of Kirkland.

Audience Requests:

Jim Buzard asked if citizens have any recourse if a burn ban were to be found unconstitutional. City Attorney James Reese that violations could end up in Court, and a judge may then hear the case,

James Eshelman stated that he is 80 years old, and has lived through the burning in Rock Falls. He is against the burning, and would like the Aldermen to know that it is not a Ward thing, it is a moral thing, Councilmen want to do what the people in their wards want them to, but Sometimes you have to stop and do the right thing.


A proclamation was read aloud by Clerk Arduini for the 125th Anniversary of the Salvation Army in Whiteside County June 7th, 2017. A motion to approve the proclamation was made by Alderman Folsom, and second by Alderman Snow.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Community Affairs:

Bethany Bland, President and CEO of the Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce gave the Council an update on all of the events happening at the Summer Splash. Mrs. Bland also informed the committee that there are already 30 entries for the Sesquicentennial Parade on August 5th, 2017.

Consent Agenda:

The Consent agenda was read aloud by Clerk Arduini. A motion to approve the Consent agenda by Omnibus designation was made by Alderman Schuneman, and Second by Alderman Logan,

1. Approve the Minutes of the May 16th, 2017 Regular Council Meeting.

2. Approval of bills as presented.

3. Renewal of IDNR License No. 3093 for the operation and maintenance of electric transmission lines across the Hennepin Canal. The five year agreement is in the amount of $1100.00.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Ordinance First Reading:

Mayor Wescott asked that items 1, 2 and 6 of the ordinances be voted on separately. A motion to approve the first reading of the following ordinances was made by Alderman Kuhlemier, and second by Alderman Schuneman.

Approval of Ordinance 2017-2320 Amending Section 32 of the Rock Falls Municipal Code for changes to the Electric Utility rates.

Approval of Ordinance 2017-2321 Prevailing Wage Ordinance 2017.

Approval of Ordinance 2017-2322 FY18 Appropriation Ordinance Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Alderman Snow made a motion, and second by Alderman Logan to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2017-2317 adding Article VI to Chapter 20 - Open Burning.

Mayor Wescott stated that the people came forward and verbalized their opinions on both sides of the issue. He had heard a lot from residents on both sides. Vote 4 aye (Reitzel, Logan, Snow, Schuneman) 4 Nay (Kuhlemier, Kleckler, Folsom, Sobottka). Mayor Wescott Voted Aye to break the tie, motion carried

Alderman Snow made a motion, and second by Alderman Logan to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2017-2318 amending Section 32-510 - Burning. Vote 4 aye (Reitzel, Logan, Snow, Schuneman) 4 Nay (Kuhlemier, Kleckler, Folsom, Sobottka). Mayor Wescott Voted Aye to break the tie, motion carried

A motion was made by Alderman Logan, and second by Alderman Schuneman for the approval of Ordinance 2017-2323 Adding Section 16-354 - Class B liquor licenses. Alderman Kleckler asked why the ordinance is different than what was presented at the Ordinance Committee, and why it would need to be 10 acres or larger. City Attorney Reese explained that he set the 10 acre amount as a minimum size for a campground. Handling it this way simplifies the process, rather than having two separate hearings for a campground that would like to sell liquor.

Mayor Wescott added that the only campground in city limits is 17 acres. Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Ordinance Second Reading/Adoption:

A motion was made by Alderman Reitzel, and second by Alderman Kuhlemier for the adoption of Ordinance 2017-2314 Amending Section 34-480 Adult uses changing the definition of "Massage Establishment" excluding State of Illinois licensed massage therapists.

Alderman Kuhlemier stated that he was originally concerned about the wording, but is now comfortable to pass the ordinance.

Alderman Snow confirmed that after passage, a licensed massage therapist could begin business, Vote 8 aye, motion carried

A motion was made by Alderman Snow, and second by Alderman Reitzel to adopt Ordinance 2017-2315 amending Section 32-122 Bulk Purchasers of Water; Rates. Vote 8 aye, motion carried

City Administrator Robbin D. Blackert:

City Administrator Robbin Blackert gave a report about the Limestone Building. The City has met all of the requirement, and obligations it needed to obtain an Illinois EPA revolving loan fund grant for the demolition, and then assessment of the Limestone Building. The IEPA has again informed the City that the funds which are passed thorough from the U.S. EPA will not be distributed because of a lack of a state appropriation for the funds. The USPEA has informed the City that $3.4 million dollars is in the brownfield account to be used for the revolving loan funding. The City is facing a deadline with the demolition contractor, and there has been nothing from the IEPA concerning the intergovernmental agreement that was approved and sent to them. The terms of the IGA contained language that required the City to repay the forgiven portion if any part of the property was sold within 9 years of the demolition, The City intends to sell the site to continue the further development of the riverfront, The roof of the building has gotten much worse recently, and if a storm were to take down a wall, it could not be cleaned up by city crews as it is an asbestos mitigation site. There is still $160,000 in assessment grant money available if the building is taken down. The City Administrator recommends thanking the Illinois EPA for all of the help they have provided to Rock Falls on other brownfield projects, and using reserve funds going ahead with the demolition without the IEPA revolving loan.

Alderman Logan stated that it is the right way to go, and there is no reason not to move forward.

Alderman Kuhlemier stated that the City can cover the cost, and time is of the essence with a tentative start date of July 10th. The Illinois EPA has provided much support in the past, but this project has not been good,

Alderman Kleckler urged anyone who has contact with their state representatives to express their displeasure for the thousands of dollars expended by the City on this project that could have been used elsewhere.

Mayor Wescott will be sending letters to the representatives. Senator Neil Anderson, and Representative Tony McCombie will be at the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday June 15th, 2017 between 9 am and 11 am for a public meeting.

A motion to go ahead with the demolition was made by Alderman Logan, and Second by Alderman Kuhlemier.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

A motion was made by Alderman Kuhlemier, and second by Alderman Schuneman to waive bidding on purchase of approximately 15 miles of fiber optic cable and Conduit with the discretion of the City Administrator and Electric Director not to exceed $1.4 million dollars,

Alderman Kleckler asked why this is being done. Administrator Blacker explained that the bidding process would take too long to get the product to the City. They would like to order the fiber and Conduit this week, and not wait until fall.

Attorney Reese explained that all purchases are contracts, and the Council would need to give the authority to choose the vendor and price to the City Administrator, and Electric Director, or bring back the price and vendor to the next council meeting. Vote 8 aye, motion carried


1. City Clerk Eric Arduini informed the Council that the City had received a thank you card from the Sauk Valley Landlords Association for the City's donation and support of the 2017 City-Wide Cleanup.

Alderman Kleckler added that the event yielded 52 pallets of TVs that were shipped out, and there is another semi-truck full still waiting to go. The event filled three 30 yard dumpsters, two dumpsters of Scrap metal. The only item that went down in quantity was oil. Seven trailers full of tires were disposed of,

Department Heads:

Tourism - Janell Loos

Tourism Director Janell Loos reported that on June 15th, 2017 The Grand Illinois Bike Tour will be coming to Rock Falls. It started in Byron, will go to the Quad Cities, and back through here on the way back. 67 of the 68 rooms at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites are booked for the event.

The Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest and Outdoor Show will be coming up on June 24th and 25th, Bo's Bait and Tackle will be on location beginning at 4:00 am both days, and staying the entire day,

Director Loos also reported on the Rock Falls River Chase event being held on July 8th and 9th, 2017.

Ward Reports:

Ward 1:

Alderman Daehle Reitzel thanked Sauk Valley Landlords Association.

Ward 2:

Alderman Glen Kuhlemier mentioned the good report on the Channel 8 news about the Rock Falls Riverfront. He also congratulated Alderman Schuneman for receiving an award at the Blackhawk Hills annual meeting for the Storybook Trail.

Ward 3:

Alderman Jim Schuneman thanked the Fire Department and Bill Milby for installing the Canal markers along the trail. He also mentioned that Jake Junis may have started in a major league game.

Mayor's Report:

Mayor Bill Wescott presented the Council with a list of upcoming events:

June 10th, 2017 - Grand opening of the Farmers Market 9 am -Noon.

June 15th, 2017 - Senator Neil Anderson, and Representative Tony McCombie will be at the Chamber of Commerce for coffee and conversation.

June 19th, 2017 - Junteenth Day at the YWCA.

June 26th, 2017 - Consolidated Dispatch will go live at 6:00 am residents should not notice any change.

The first July Council meeting will be moved to Wednesday, July 5th.

July 8th is Touch-a-Truck,

July 8th and 9th is the Rock Falls River Chase.

July 24th will be the opening of the Time Capsule at 10:00 am.

July 26th at 1:30 pm. RB&W Riverfront Dedication.

With nothing else for the good of the Council a motion was made by Alderman Folsom and second by Alderman Reitzel to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 pm.

Viva Voce Vote, motion carried

Meeting is adjourned at 7:28 pm
