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Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rock Falls Council met May 16.

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City of Rock Falls Council met May 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of Rock Falls, Illinois was called to order by Mayor William B. Wescott at 6:30 p.m. on May 16th, 2017 in the Council Chambers of Rock Falls,

City Clerk Eric Arduini called the roll following the pledge of allegiance. A quorum was present including Aldermen Reitzel, Logan, Snow, Kuhlemier, Schuneman, Kleckler, and Folsom. In addition City Attorney Jim Reese and City Administrator Robbin Blackert were present,

Public Hearing 6:30 pm

1. A hearing for accepting public comments concerning the implementation of the asbestos mitigation and building demolition project at the Limestone Building located at 200 West 1st Street Rock Falls, Illinois,

The Public Hearing began at 6:30 pm, Mayor Wescott explained the purpose of the public hearing, City Clerk Eric Arduini informed Mayor Wescott that there had been no verbal or written comments received in the City Clerk's office concerning the issue. No one from the audience spoke about the issue. The Public Hearing was ended at 6:02 pm

Audience Requests:

Lee Bardo spoke to the Council informing them that he had worked on the passing of a petition concerning the residents' views on leaf burning. He stated that only two people wouldn't sign it. He encouraged the Aldermen to visit their constituents more often, and represent the people.

David Hand served on the City Council for 24 years. He stated that a lot of people have Contacted him about this issue, and want to keep burning. A number of Surveys have been sent about the issue in the past, and an overwhelming amount of people would like to keep it. He Suggested that the City conduct a phone survey, or referendum. He stated that the recreational fires should be allowed later than 11:00 pm, and the screening requirement and size are too restrictive.

Jim Buzard commended Mr. Hand on his comments. He canvassed his neighborhood, and not one person was in favor of the burn ban. He encourages the City to enforce the current rules. He gave an example of a resident burning garbage and the police would not enforce the rules. If the ban goes into effect, people within a block of him will still be able to burn.

Laura Cornielson stated that she is a prisoner in her home. She has asthma, and her neighbors burn constantly. Her windows need to be sealed shut to be able to breathe. She stated that there is a big difference in air quality from Sterling to Rock Falls. Her neighbor lets Smoldering wet leaves burn unattended.

Roger Vanausdal stated that he doesn't live in the City, but he cares for the residents, and customers in Rock Falls. He showed pictures of a set of boys who cannot go outside and play due to breathing problems irritated by the burning leaves. He made the point that it takes more time to rake leaves and watch them burn, than it does to rake the leaves and prepare them for garbage pickup.

Mary Lawson runs an in-home daycare at the corner of 10th St, and 10th Ave. She sees the kids laboring when the kids are playing, and there is smoke. She enjoys the Smell of leaves in the fall, but it really has gotten bad, as there is so much smoke.

Eric Whitlock stated that there are a lot of people with breathing problems, and it would be hard to live that way. Coming into town some days it is full of smoke. He mulches the leaves back into the ground with his mower. He mentioned that there are other alternatives to burning.

Brad Dotson feels a compromise could be worked out perhaps with Scheduled burning times in the spring and fall. It is not a daily issue. He asked about the Safety of using slag on the streets, and commented that it is hard on vehicles. Mr. Dotson also inquired about the environmental cleanup of the RB&W District area. He is against the burn ban.

A resident showed her support of allowing burning.

Another resident commented that the City is cleaning up the town and attracting tourists, Will we tell them 60 days of the year, don't come if you have a breathing problem. We have cleaned up gas, oil, stopped Smoking, we could stop burning leaves.

Frank DeHaan owns the trailer park west of town. With the amount of trees out there he has 3 tandem loads of ashes after burning. He would like to know if the City could have a designated place to take the leaves, or mulch the leaves as Streator does,

Mayor Wescott mentioned that Sharon Simester who in in favor of burning, presented 270 signatures along with a letter voicing her concerns, as she was notable to be in attendance, Her letter, and signature pages are entered into the record with these minutes.

Aldermanic Appointment:

Mayor Wescott explained that Alderman Watts resigned, and on September 30th, 2016 Alderman Ebenezer who had taken his place, also resigned. He contacted 41 people in the 4th Ward and found no one who was willing to serve. With the election now Over Violet Sobottka of 2108 Canal has come forward to serve and he recommends her appointment to the Seat until the next election, Alderman Snow made a motion for the appointment, and second by Alderman Shuneman.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried

Violet Sobotka was sworn in by City Clerk Eric Arduini and took her seat as the new 4th Ward Alderman. She thanked the Council for the opportunity to serve the City of Rock Falls, and to serve the residents of the 4th Ward.

Scholarship Presentation:

Water Superintendent Ted Padilla informed the Council about the education given to students by the Water, and Electric Departments. 364 students received the education this year. He presented the 2017 $1000 Water / Electric Scholarship to Molly Mammosser of Rock Falls High School. Ms. Mammosser thanked everyone for the scholarship and informed them it will be used for her education at Concordia University in Wisconsin.


A proclamation was read aloud by Clerk Arduini for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Day in Whiteside County June 3rd, 2017. A motion to approve the proclamation was made by Alderman Folsom, and second by Alderman Snow.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Consent Agenda:

The Consent agenda was read aloud by Clerk Arduini. A motion to approve the Consent agenda by omnibus designation was made by Alderman Schuneman, and Second by Alderman Reitzel.

1. Approve the Minutes of the May 2nd, 2017 Regular Council Meeting.

2. Approval of bills as presented.

3. Approval of Resolution 2017-766 Certification of elected official hours.

4. Approval of the job description "Fiber Operations Manager"

5. Approval of the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission for acceptance of the preliminary plats of Benchmark Phase III-B.

6. Approval of the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission for acceptance of the final plats of Benchmark Phase III-B.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Ordinance First Reading:

Mayor Wescott asked that items 3 and 4 of the ordinances be voted on Separately. A motion to approve the first reading of the following ordinances was made by Alderman Snow, and second by Alderman Reitzel.

Approval of Ordinance 2017-2314 Amending Section 34-480 Adult uses changing the definition of "Massage Establishment" excluding State of Illinois licensed massage therapists.

Approval of Ordinance 2017-2315 amending Section 32-122 Bulk Purchasers of Water; Rates,

Alderman Kuhlemier spoke about the past issues with massage parlors. Attorney Reese explained that the State now has a license for massage therapists, and this will make them not considered an adult use. Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Alderman Snow made a motion, and second by Alderman Reitzel to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2017-2317 adding Article VI to Chapter 20 - Open Burning. Alderman Kleckler Stated that he strongly believes that it is the Council's responsibility to listen to the people, and most of the people who spoke to him would like to keep Some kind of burning.

Alderman Logan stated that this has been up to a vote previously. He made a motion that was seconded by Alderman Folsom to table this ordinance and send it back to the Ordinance Committee to find out if a compromise can be made.

Alderman Schuneman stated that the ordinance did go back to committee, and compromises were discussed. There was not a compromise that worked, and he Supports the committee's decision.

Vote 4 aye (Reitzel, Logan, Kleckler, Folsom) 4 Nay (Snow, Kuhlemier, Schuneman, Sobottka) Mayor Wescott votes as chair aye motion carried. The original motion is not voted on, and the ordinance is sent to committee for review.

Alderman Snow made a motion, and second by Alderman Reitzel to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2017-2318 amending Section 32-510 - Burning.

A motion was made by Alderman Logan, and second Alderman Folsom to table the Ordinance and Send it back to committee for review.

Vote 5 aye (Reitzel, Logan, Kleckler, Folsom, Sobottka) 4 Nay (Snow, Kuhlemier, Schuneman, Sobottka) motion carried. The original motion is not voted on, and the ordinance is sent to committee for review.

Alderman Snow recommends that all City Council members be in attendance for the Ordinance meeting on May 25th, 2017 at 5:30 to discuss this issue.

Ordinance Second Reading/Adoption:

A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman, and second by Alderman Reitzel for the adoption of Ordinance 2017-2316 authorizing entry into an amended Intergovernmental agreement for operations of a consolidated Public Safety Answering Point.

Alderman Kleckler inquired what the changes were from the original agreement that was passed.

City Administrator stated that Fire and EMS calls will now be paid for by the SSA-1. Rock Falls Police after hours calls will be paid for by Rock Falls, and the same for Sterling. The funding of the Dispatch Center Director was changed to the County paying 33%, and the other 67% will be split between Rock Falls and Sterling based on call volume. The Whiteside County Board will implement a county wide cost sharing method by May 1st 2020. This deals with what the Smaller towns in the county will pay. Mayor Wescott added that this is a separate issue, and the original documents were to be adjusted every 6 months. This will address the 911 calls from outside of Rock Falls and Sterling. The consolidation should be in effect June 26th, 2017.

Alderman Logan asked if there has been any change in the cost of the facilities in Sterling. The PSAP will be 16 dispatchers on IMRF, and hosting of the PSAP is still at no charge.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

A motion was made by Alderman Reitzel, and second by Alderman Snow for the adoption of Ordinance 2017-2319 adding Section 34-434 Harvesting of hay permitted to section 1-41 (i) Class C violation of the Rock Falls Municipal Code.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

City Administrator Robbin D. Blackert:

A motion was made by Alderman Kuhlemier, and second by Alderman Reitzel for the approval of the Engineering Amendment No. 1 with Willett Hofmann and ASSociates for the Galt Avenue and 4th Street water main project. Design phase engineering to increase by $2,000 to $15,000, and construction engineering to increase by $10,000 to $12,000 for a total of $29,000.

Alderman Kleckler asked what the amendment is for, and Brian Frickenstein Stated Willett Hofmann will now be doing the construction observation rather than the city


A motion was made by Alderman Reitzel, and second by Alderman Schuneman for the approval of the Engineering Services agreement with Willett Hofmann and ASSOciate for Construction of approximately 2050 feet of 6' diameter water main on 14th Avenue and Bennett Drive. Design phase engineering not to exceed $19,500, and construction engineering not to exceed $2,000.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

A motion was made by Alderman Snow and second by Alderman Schuneman for the approval of renewal of Contract Agreement with Retail Attractions from Oswego, OK per Part II Term of Agreement from current contract.

Administrator Blackert added that there are negotiations on the 5.6 acres RB&W property, and negotiations are going on for the interstate property. This will continue as a month to month agreement.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Administrator Blackert gave a PowerPoint presentation about the rate study that has been going on for a year and a half. It was found that the customer charge, when compared to the actual cost of service was too low. It is proposed that a per-year increase be added Over five years. The increase varies each year, and differs depending on the type of customer. A residential customer who uses 870 kilowatts hours currently pays $108.32 per month, and it would increase to $115.13. Another change will be an averaging for the purchase power adjustment charge. This will help customers budget easier, because currently the bill may be higher or lower even with the same amount of electricity used. A motion to approve the authorization of the City Attorney to draft ordinance reflecting the approved rates for FY 18 through FY22 and rate stabilization of the Purchase Power Adjustment as presented was made by Alderman Logan and second by Alderman Sobottka.

Attorney Reese confirmed that the ordinance to be drafted would become effective July 1st 2017.

Alderman Schuneman thanked Dick Simon for his hard work on this rate study. Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Department Heads:

Building Inspector- Mark Searing:

A motion was made by Alderman Kuhlemier, and second by Alderman Logan for the approval of the re-zoning request from A-1 to I-1 of property at 301.25 Thome Road within 1/2 mile of City limits to Whiteside County Zoning and Planning as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission of Rock Falls.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Water - Ted Padilla

A motion was made by Alderman Kuhlemier and second by Alderman Reitzel for the approval of Resolution 2017-765 Water Tower Space Lease with Rotary Airlock of Rock Falls for a repeater on the east tower in the amount of $50,00/month.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman, and second by Alderman Reitzel for the approval of the recommendation of the Public Works / Public Property Committee to award the bid for the 4th Street Galt Avenue project to Go Excavating Inc. 447 S. Hancock Avenue Freeport, IL in the amount of $121,136.00. Alderman Reitzel Said the bid came in very good.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Tourism - Janell Loos

A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman, and Second by Alderman Logan for the Approval of the RB&W $150 event fee and waiving of electric, water fees for the Optimist Club of Rock Falls for Touch-a-Truck event on the north side parking lot from 10:00am to 2:00pm on July 8th, 2017.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

A motion was made by Alderman Kuhlemier, and second by Alderman Schuneman for the adoption of the Veterans Monument Park Events Agreement and Application Packet, with the recommendation of the Tourism Committee.

Vote 8 aye, motion carried

A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman, and second by Alderman Logan for the adoption of the RB&W District Events Packet, with the recommendation of the Tourism Committee. Vote 8 aye, motion carried

Director LOOS informed the Council that Rock Falls is having the Bass Pro Shops Big Cat Quest fishing tournament, and this year there will also be an outdoor show. Registrations are available at www.visitrockfalls.com

www.kenfreemanoutdoorspromotions.com, and at Bo's Bait and Tackle Shop.

Ward Reports:

Ward 1:

Alderman Daehle Reitzel thanked the Water and Electric Departments for the Scholarship and education that they are providing to the students about groundwater and electric.

Alderman George Logan Jr. welcomed Alderman Sobottka to the Council. He gave thanks to the Street Department for fixing the alley entrance on 4th Avenue. He also Congratulated Ms. Mammosser,

Ward 2:

Alderman Glen Kuhlemier echoed all of the things that Alderman Logan Said, and he noted that it is good to have a full Council again. Eight Aldermen makes a balanced Council.

Alderman Brian Snow welcomes Mrs. Sobottka to the Council. He made an observation while volunteering this past weekend. The Cooler hosted a benefit for the four people that Were shot to help with their medical bills. There was very much support for those affected and their families,

Ward 3:

Alderman Jim Schuneman welcomed Violet to the Council.

Alderman Rod Kleckler welcomed Violet, as he is no longer the new guy,

Ward 4:

Alderman Lee Folsom welcomed the new 4th Ward Alderman.

Mayor's Report:

Mayor Bill Wescott presented committee selection sheets to the Aldermen, and asked that they be filled out and returned with their committee choices for committee assignments at the next City Council meeting,

On June 20th, there will be a vote to change the Committee structure so that the water, Sewer, Rock Falls Fibernet, and Electric will be on the Utility Committee.

Mayor Wescott presented the finalized schedule for the Sesquicentennial Celebration. There are still things that we need people to do. The headquarters and store will be located at the former Cimino's building downtown. It will be open 2 days a week, and Saturdays to begin. Volunteers are being sought for the Sesquicentennial, please come to the meeting on May 23rd at 6:00 pm.

With nothing else for the good of the Council a motion was made by Alderman Snow and Second by Alderman Reitzel to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 pm.

Viva Voce Vote, motion carried

Meeting is adjourned at 8:07 pm




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