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City of Rock Falls Ordinance/License/Personnel/Safety Committee met May 25.

Webp meeting 02

City of Rock Falls Ordinance/License/Personnel/Safety Committee met May 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Topic; Discussion; Plan of Action:

I.Call to Order. - Chairman Reitzel; Meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm; Meeting begins at 5:30 pm

2.Audience Requests; Judy Randall spoke concerning the burning ban. She gave facts about the 3 primary pollutants found in burning leaves. Mrs. Randall read a letter from Kathy Drea of the American Lung Association which will be added to the record with these minutes. She urges leaders to make healthy decisions.; No action

3.Approve Minutes: Ordinance/ License Personnel/ Safety Meeting May 4th, 2017; The minutes were reviewed by the committee; Minutes approved

4.Old Business: a.Review of Ordinance for Food truck license; The committee reviewed the changes to the ordinance from Attorney Reese. They would like the license to run with the Fiscal year.

Vending would not be allowed, and vendors could be told to leave public areas if there is a City event of festival going on.

Noise of generators needs to be addressed, as loud generators will not be allowed. The vendor cannot take more than 2 spaces in ta parking lot.

5.New Business: a.(A-I Agricultural District) Section 34-126. When authorized by board of appeals.; Mayor Wescott explained the current zoning principal uses, special use, and accessory uses of zoning districts. A business in the A-I has obtained a special use permit for a campground to be located in A-I. The owner would now like to sell groceries including alcohol so that his patrons do not have to leave the campground. There is no current provision for the owner to sell alcohol in an A-I zoning area. The committee recommends that a special use be added to the A-I zoning to allow for alcohol sales.

Alderman Kuhlemier cautioned the special use provisions as they have led to businesses being located in residential areas.; A drafted ordinance will be created for 1st reading at Council

b.Chapter 32 Article I Section 32-27(b) Supplemental or additional charges.; Mayor Wescott reported that there are still 7 residents who have not come from well to water. Five of them have been fined, 3 of them obtained a permit. The ordinance allows for the Water Superintendent to make an agreement which will pay for the hookup, and let the customer pay it back over 12 months. The cost of these installations can be over $2000.00, and one year is not enough time to make it affordable. The Committee recommends that the Superintendent be given discretion to make agreements with the remaining customers. The question was asked that if the work is paid for by the City initially, does it need to be paid at the prevailing wage.; Tabled to get advice from the City Attorney.

c.Article VI. Open Burning; Alderman Snow presented 40 pages of information concerning the burning ban He would like to see the City do what is right for the health of the community. He had polled a number of people, and found it to be about Y2 supporting the burn ban.

Alderman Kleckler and Alderman Sobottka asked for a compromise that may ease residents towards a bum ban over time.

The committee discussed burning by declaration, having a designated area for leaf disposal, and purchasing a leaf collection machine.

Alderman Logan reminded the committee that the City provides a way to dispose of the leaves at no cost.

Alderman Schuneman reiterated that the committee has tried to compromise, and one cannot be reached. The prairie plots will still need to be burned every year. There are far too many tees growing in the prairie due to non-burning.

6.Workers Compensation/ Liability Reports; The committee reviewed the report; Report approved

7.Department Safety Meeting Minutes Review; The committee reviewed the minutes; Minutes approved

8.Committee Member items; Alderman Kleckler asked about Municipal Code Section 22-5 which requires food establishments to sterilize their food utensils. And Section 22-4 making it unlawful to bury someone outside of a cemetery.; No action
