City of Byron Community Services Committee met Aug. 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present: Chairman Rickard, Alderwoman Gerdes, Alderwoman Hanlin, and Alderwoman Fulrath.
Others Present: Aaron Vincer-Public Works, Jason Stoll-Fehr Graham. Larry Hewitt- Building/Zoning joined the meeting at 5:52. Aldermen Gyorkos and Isaacs joined the meeting at 5:53.
5:32 PM Chairman Rickard called the meeting to order. Agenda Item #1: Public Comment: No comment.
Agenda Item #2: Regular Session Minutes of July 11th, 2018: Alderwoman Hanlin made the motion to approve the minutes. Alderwoman Gerdes seconded. All ayes, motion carried.
Agenda Item #3: 2018 Street Maintenance Budget Planning: Jason Stoll said there will be a pre-construction meeting the middle of August with William Charles Company to discuss the Third St. and Crestview road construction. Jason is hoping to start the construction the first part of September. Aaron Vincer told the committee that the new water connections on Third St. are in full swing and going well. The PW dept. has completed the connections from Franklin St. to Peru St, getting about 1 block a day connected. PW is trucking the stone, back filling, the road is watered down by the Motosports Park water truck (at no charge), and swept to be able to then compact it as many times as necessary. Once all the connections are finished, the manholes will be replaced; the 6” water main will then be abandoned.
Agenda Item #4: Headworks Project Punch List: Jason Stoll explained a few problems that are being addressed. The water velocity screen has been adjusted, and is operating much better; a gate valve has been repaired. The water heater heat exchanger had a design flaw, will cost approximately $10,000.00 to fix which will be paid for by the designer. Jason suggested the City pay the contractor and the $10,000.00 will be credited from engineering invoice. Fehr-Graham will work it out with EEI.
Chairman Rickard asked Jason if the project came in at budget. Jason said the budget was 2.6 million dollars and it was approximately over budget by a few thousand dollars. Jason will have the numbers as soon as the project is finished.
Agenda Item #5: Declare Excess Equipment: Aaron Vincer handed out a picture and description of the Dodge truck to consider as excess equipment. Committee discussion. Chairman Rickard is amending this item to be new business at the September meeting for City Attorney Krahenbuhl to create a new ordinance for excess equipment.
Agenda Item #6: Purchase or Lease Plow and Utility Truck: Aaron Vincer requested the committee consider replacing the aging pick up truck and the International dump truck. Aaron suggested to possibly using the Road & Bridge fund as a “savings” account for new equipment. That account receives about $42,000 each year. He said he had checked at Prescott Brothers, in Rochelle, a new 3500 pick up truck with a service body and plow is approximately $43,000.00. Leasing that truck for 3years would be about $900.00 per month and would have a 3 year or 36,000 mile warranty. Aaron would like to get the pickup first, before winter 2018, the dump truck in a couple years. The committee discussed both ways to purchase, mileage driven, and vehicle return value. Aaron is to get the numbers on purchasing and leasing to bring it back to the committee for the September meeting.
Agenda Item #7: Snow Plow Operator Wage Review: Aaron explained to the committee that the quality snow plow drivers are going elsewhere for higher hourly wages. He is hoping to be able to raise the driver wage, maybe a step scale with a yearly increase depending on driver performance. The joint committee discussed it and asked Aaron to gather information from surrounding towns, the township, to see what their wage scales are.
Agenda Item #8: Accessory Structure review/containers and portable garages: Larry told the committee that he is still researching the information.
Agenda Item #9: Water Meter Replacement: Aaron Vincer told the committee that the goal was to have 100 meters replaced by the end of 2018. 96 meters have been replaced to date.
Agenda Item #8: Public Works Update: Aaron Vincer advised the committee that the new tin was being installed on the PW building Monday, August 6th, the PW crew are all working hard on the Third St. project and is going great.
Agenda Item #9: Executive Session (Section 2) (c) (21) - Nothing discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:17PM