
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Andrew Chesney: Lawmakers must 'stop allocating money for things we know don’t work'


Andrew Chesney

Andrew Chesney

Republican candidate Andrew Chesney doesn't understand how lawmakers in Springfield fail to make improvements when many constituents want the same things from the state government.

“People want good government, whether we’re talking about Democrats or Republicans,” Chesney told the NW Illinois News. “That’s not about being partisan, that’s just common sense. Everyone expects to pay taxes for things like police and roads, but to see all those funds get diverted to other things is quite discouraging.”

A new Illinois Issues Survey by the Center for State Policy and Leadership recently found that 53 of voters have entertained the idea of leaving the state because of rising taxes and dysfunctional government.

Illinois State House Speaker Mike Madigan

Illinois Policy Institute also reports the discontent appears to be spread equally across all subgroups, with 64 percent of households earning up to $100,000 having considered fleeing. Seventy-four percent believe the state is on the wrong track compared to just 14 percent who see it as headed in the right direction.

The numbers suggest not much has changed over the last two years. A 2016 survey found that 47 percent of residents would rather live in another state because of Illinois' high taxes, according to Paul Simon Public Institute.

“We need to have some form of term limits and to take most of the money out of politics,” said Chesney, running against Democrat Nick Hyde in the 89th House District. “Right now, there’s too much special interest money that makes these elected offices permanent positions. We have to change the framework of things.”

Term limits are not uncommon across the rest of the country and Illinois would be wise to follow suit, Chesney said.

“There’s no reason anyone should be in office 30 or 40 years,” he said. “That makes  no sense and is no way to hold leaders accountable.”

Chesney said his approach to things couldn’t be more different from that of Hyde.

“We recently had a debate where our views were very distinct,” he said. “He wants to raise taxes on families based on his opinion any family that makes over $100,000 is rich. I disagree and feel we are already taxed enough and simply need to be better stewards of our money. We need to stop allocating money for things we know don’t work and start demanding more accountability"

The 89th House District includes portions of Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Carroll, Ogle and Whiteside counties.