Byron Forest Preserve District Board will meet Oct. 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Pledge To The Flag
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda Additions And Adoption
A. Board Additions
B. Staff Additions
C. Add Election of Secretary Pro Tem (if needed)
D. Motion to Approve The Agenda
4. Public Comment
The Board will receive comments from members of the public relative to items on the agenda. Please make certain you complete a testimony card and hand it to the recording secretary. Testimony will be given in order of a random drawing of the cards.
5. Recognition Of Guests
6. Review Budgets
A. General Fund
1. Administrative Services - Tucker
2. Education Department - Herman
3. Parks/Restoration - Brunner
PrairieView Golf – Henkel and Gramer
Specialty Funds (IMRF, Unemployment, Worker’s Compensation, Social Security and Audit) – McCammond
7. Review Capital Budgets
A. Review proposed projects and budget – Tucker & Staff
8. New Business
9. Adjourn