City of Byron Community Services Committee met September 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present: Chairman Rickard, Alderwoman Gerdes, Alderwoman Hanlin, and Alderwoman Fulrath.
Others Present: Aaron Vincer-Public Works, Jason Stoll-Fehr Graham. Larry Hewitt-Building/Zoning, Chief Murray, Todd McClester owner of Hairy Cow. Aldermen Gyorkos, Reilly and Isaacs joined the meeting at 5:40.
5:30 pm Chairman Rickard called the meeting to order.
Agenda Item #1: Public Comment: No comment.
Agenda Item #2: Regular Session Minutes of August 1st, 2018: Alderwoman Gerdes made the motion to approve the minutes. Alderwoman Fulrath seconded. All ayes, motion carried.
Agenda Item #3: 2018 Street Maintenance Budget Planning: Public Work Director Aaron Vincer gave an update on the Third St. project: new water services went exceptionally well, manhole replacements went very well, the interconnections to the 10” water pipeline have been a disaster and has taken much longer than expected. They have 1 more manhole and 1 more interconnection to do. Next Monday and Tuesday are hoping to be able to move 5 fire hydrants from the 6” to the 10” line. Alderwoman Fulrath asked if the project was still within the $120,000 budget, Aaron told them that so far it is. Aaron went on to explain the non-standard connection found from Mineral St. to E. Blackhawk Drive where all Hamer Ct. water was lost because it is on a 1 1/4'” water line. Both Aaron and Jason Stoll are recommending taking Hamer Ct. off the road construction list this year to allow the connection of Hamer Ct. to an 8” pipe found there. Taking the road construction out for Hamer Ct. this year, will free up approx. $30- $40,000 to be put towards the curb and driveway approaches on the west end of construction. Hamer Ct. would be put on the top of the street construction in 2109.
Jason Stoll then reported on the Third St. pre-construction meeting: saw cuts today by William Charles; next the contractors will lay fabric then the slurry. It will take the next 6 weeks to do Crestview and Third St. Repairs are being done to the failed curbs on Third St.
Agenda Item #4: Downtown Parking Expansion Project: Jason Stoll said the existing building and covered deck still needs to be demolished, he will call Ken Norup on September 6th. The demo needs to be done 1st in order to expand the parking lot. Jason also said that there is no time to get a bid out, so he was going to ask William Charles for a quote while they are working in town and he will bring the quote to council in 2 weeks. If by chance the project cannot be completed by the time the weather is too cold, project will have to wait until next year.
Agenda Item #5: Hairy Cow Brewery Outdoor Fence Variance: Hair Cow owner, Todd McClester addressed the committee, explaining his plan for a 4’ wrought iron fence running from the NE corner of the building to the railroad property and from the SW corner to the top of the river bank, and requesting a variance. Chief Murray explained the back of the brewery is restricted on both sides by embankments with the only entrance being through the front door of the establishment. Alderwoman Hanlin suggested possibly a 6’ wrought iron fence. Discussion by the committee. McClester also told the committee that he is in hopes to have the occupancy permit by October 1st, 2018 and be open by the end of October. A motion was made by Chairman Rickard to recommend to the City Council for the variance of a 4’ wrought iron fence. All ayes, motion carried.
Agenda Item #6: Headworks Project Punch List: Jason told the committee that the punch list is winding down. Water conditioner has been installed; conditioner test by Aaron was done with results being expected by tomorrow, September 6th. Once the water heater is on-line, then Jason will get the final paper work to the Mayor and council to issue final payment.
Agenda Item #7: Purchase or Lease Plow and Utility Truck: Aaron explained the lease program information he had gathered: 4years at $900 a month + fees which would be $40-$50,000. There is approximately $57,000 in the budget earmarked for vehicles. Buying outright is probably smarter. Aaron said there are several year old trucks that he has found out there that would be at a substantial savings, which he is highly recommending. In a year or 2 a big snow plow truck will need to be purchased from the Road & Bridge fund.
Agenda Item #8: Snow Plow Operator Wage Review: Aaron told the committee that the City of Byron currently is paying the snow plow drivers $12.00 per hour. He has contacted other nearby cities and their average pay is $20.00 per hour. Aaron suggested possibly promoting a step program with the starting wage at $15.00 depending on ability. Alderman Isaacs suggested it be left up to Aaron to get the quality drivers and pay accordingly.
Agenda Item #9: Public Works Update: Aaron expressed his desire to spruce up the city to make it look nicer. The city needs to lead by example, get some of the less than desirable areas looking better. Alderman Gyorkos asked about the mural on the PW building. Aaron said the mural is down and in the PW building. They discussed possibly the Byron museum wanting it. Downtown clock: Engel electric is looking at it. Aaron is hoping to get it to auto adjust time. Alderwoman Fulrath suggested asking Bill Krall about the clock, he re-habs things.
It was determined that Well #5 had been struck by lightning, needed a new frequency drive. Aaron turned it into insurance. There will need to be 2 back to back clean samples and is hoping to have it back on line by Monday September 10th.
Agenda Item #9: Executive Session (Section 2) (c) (21) - Nothing discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:12 pm