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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Carroll County Board of Supervisors met November 26

Webp meeting 11

Carroll County Board of Supervisors met Nov. 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Supervisors of Carroll County, Iowa met in regular adjourned session in the Boardroom of the Courthouse, in Carroll, Iowa, the County seat of said County on Monday, November 26, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Central Standard Time pursuant to law, the rules of said Board and to the adjournment with the following members present: Dean Schettler, District 2; Eugene Meiners, District 3; Marty Danzer, District 4; and Richard Ruggles, District 5. Neil Bock, District 1 was absent.

Motion by Schettler, second by Ruggles to approve the agenda as presented. On roll call, all present voted aye. Motion by Meiners, second by Schettler to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2018 meeting as written. On roll call, all present voted aye.

Members of the Samuels Group met with the Board to give an overview of their company and history of projects completed. The Samuels Group is interested in being the Construction Manager for the jail project. The County will need to decide on using a Construction Manager or design-bid-build. The Board will discuss this at the next meeting, no formal action taken.

Motion by Meiners, second by Ruggles to approve payment of payables as presented. On roll call, all present voted aye.

Motion by Schettler, second by Ruggles to approve and authorize Chair to sign the Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement with ICIT Tech Team. On roll call, all present voted aye.

Motion by Meiners, second by Schettler to approve plats of survey for Lots 1 & 2 NW1/4 NE1/4 Section 6-83-33 and Lot A of Lot 5 NE1/4 SE1/4 Section 13-83-36. On roll call, all present voted aye.

Motion by Meiners, second by Ruggles to approve utility permits for West Central Iowa Rural Water Association for work in Ewoldt Township Sections 25 and 26 and Washington Township in Sections 4, 5, and 9. On roll call, all present voted aye.

Board reviewed manure management annual updates for Neil Muhlbauer in Section 15 of Washington Township and Dale & Brett Ludwig in Section 11 of Kniest Township. Annual update for Matt Gehling in Section 31 of Pleasant Valley Township was tabled.

Michael Lewis, Institutional Team Leader with Shive-Hattery Inc. met with the Board to officially kick off the jail project and review a schedule for the project. Lewis also presented Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement. Lewis explained this amendment was to include a site survey for approximately $5,950. Motion by Ruggles, second by Meiners to approve Amendment No. 1 and move forward with the site survey work. On roll call, all present voted aye. Lewis also discussed the following: Geo Technical work, bid document printing costs, special inspections, civil engineering services, and on-site representation costs. The Board has scheduled a work session for Tuesday, December 11th at 9:00 a.m. and will meet on the second Tuesday of the month moving forward.

Maintenance Director Zach Niehaus and Dan Drake with D/R Electric met with the Board to discuss issues with the Courthouse generator. Niehaus explained that Echo Electric inspected the generator and found that the panel can’t maintain voltage in circuit. Niehaus was able to obtain a portable backup generator from the State of Iowa. This generator would need to be manually turned on in the event of a power outage and there is concern about the Communications Center and Jail possibly being without power during this transition. Shive Hattery will take this in to consideration and come back to the Board about possible solutions to the generator issue and look at purchasing a generator that will operate both the new jail and Courthouse. Niehaus explained that the County can rent a generator for approximately $800 per month. This unit could be wired to turn on automatically in the event of a power outage. Following discussion, motion by Schettler, second by Meiners to approve the rental of a generator for the Courthouse. On roll call, all present voted aye.

Ruggles reported on Rolling Hills Community Services Board meeting. Upcoming meetings include: Dave Paulson, City of Carroll, and Carroll Community Schools regarding fuel depot and ICIT meetings.

Schettler reported on call from Scott Jacobs regarding Region V Hazmat and Board of Health meeting. Upcoming meetings include: Region V Hazmat and ICIT meeting.

Meiners reported on radio and newspaper interviews, CADC, and Manning Heritage Park fundraiser. Upcoming meetings include: Policy Council, ICIT, New Opportunities Board, and ISAC Executive Board.

Danzer reported on Wesco Board meeting. Upcoming radio and newspaper interviews, ICIT meetings, and ISAC meeting.

Motion by Meiners, second by Ruggles to adjourn at 11:25 a.m. On roll call, all present voted aye.
