City of Byron Administrative Committee met Dec. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present: Chairman Christy Hanlin, Todd Isaacs, Dan Reilly, Mike Gyorkos Members Absent: None
Others Present: City Attorney Kim Krahenbuhl, Mayor John Rickard, Police Chief Todd Murray, Drew Tennant (Entre), Tony Celletti (Entre)
Meeting called to order by Chairman Hanlin at 5:20pm. Agenda Item #1: Public Comment: None
Agenda Item #2: Approval of Meeting Minutes: November 7, 2018 - Regular Session Minutes:
Motion by Alderman Isaacs to approve the Administrative Committee meeting minutes from November 7, 2018, seconded by Alderman Reilly. Motion passed.
Minutes from the October 3, 2018, Administrative committee meeting were included in dropbox, but were not on the agenda, and therefore could not be acted upon. Alderman Hanlin asked that these be put on the agenda for the January, 2019, meeting.
Agenda Item #3: Tax Levy Discussion and Ordinance: Alderman Isaacs directed the committee to view the levy file in dropbox. Tax Levy is $639,100. There are four line items that are set and cannot be raised (we can do less). They are General, Police Protection, Street Lighting and Crossing Guard. These are currently taxed at the highest rate we can levy. Compared to a year ago, we are collecting just under 99% of last year’s total. The reason we are able to drop slightly is because of excess funds in several accounts. Compared to 2010, we are only 13-1/2% higher. We do not have to levy for the bond since it was only a one year bond, and it only needs to be mentioned in the ordinance if it extends past one year. We abated all of the other bonds we have.
Looking at the Ordinance itself, the appropriations we passed in July are listed, as well as the revenues that will help pay these costs. The Ordinance will be signed and sent to the county after passage tonight at council. Attorney Krahenbuhl added that he double checked all of the figures.
Larry will post a public hearing notice for January to discuss bonds for street projects.
Alderman Isaacs motioned to approve the Tax Levy Ordinance as presented and waive the first reading on the ordinance, seconded by Alderman Reilly. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #4: Ordinance to change City Treasurer from elected to appointed: Attorney Krahenbuhl explained that cities with under 10,000 inhabitants have the option of appointing a City Treasurer rather than electing one. An appointed City Treasurer does not have to live within the City limits, rather they have to live within a 5 mile radius of the city. It allows more qualified individuals an opportunity to hold the office, and it is hoped that duties will be done in a more timely manner. There was an issue with our audit where a report was not created. Alderman Reilly noted that this ordinance does not include a job description, and Attorney Krahenbuhl said it is included with the remainder of the ordinance. The job description will remain the same. This ordinance allows the mayor to appoint, and the council to confirm, a City Treasurer. Alderman Reilly asked if a newly elected or appointed mayor can change the individual upon taking office. Attorney Krahenbuhl said no. Since filing for the April 2, 2019, election begins next Monday, Attorney Krahenbuhl explained the need to vote on a change prior to that. Alderman Isaacs asked if the current Treasurer completes the term he was appointed to, and Attorney Krahenbuhl said he believes that answer is yes, and the current Treasurer would serve until April. He also pointed out that there has been no change made to the compensation. To summarize, the Mayor would appoint and the Council would confirm the appointment. The Treasurer then cannot be removed from the office without the Council’s consent.
Alderman Isaacs asked if the current Treasurer is aware of this potential change, and Attorney Krahenbuhl said he is not. Alderman Isaacs feels he should have been made aware of this. Alderman Reilly asked for an explanation about problems with the audit that have been mentioned. Attorney Krahenbuhl said there are certain certifications that needed to be completed by the Treasurer months ago, but they have not been done. Alderman Isaacs mentioned that he has only been able to attain a Preliminary Audit for the bond company.
Attorney Krahenbuhl discussed the compensation and attendance requirements for the Treasurer, and Chief Murray confirmed that those have been followed.
Alderman Reilly asked if this could cause potential problems if the current Treasurer quit immediately. Alderman Isaacs reported that the staff is already doing the reports, so there are no potential problems anticipated.
Attorney Krahenbuhl added that the current Treasurer’s home is being cited as one for compliance issues.
Alderman Isaacs motioned to recommend passage of the Ordinance changing the City Treasurer from elected to appointed, seconded by Alderman Reilly. Alderman Hanlin said the motion is approved, waiving first read at the City Council later this evening.
Alderman Reilly asked if we need to consider filing a forensic audit. Attorney Krahenbuhl said the problems have to do with him failing to sign required documents, and he does not have access to the city’s funds, so a forensic audit is not needed.
Entre Computer Presentation: Presenting for Entre are Drew Tennant, Vice President and Account Manager for the Byron Police and Fire Departments, and Tony Celletti, Network Support. Entre’s presence in Byron is widespread, providing support for Byron Schools, Byron Bank, Byron Forest Preserve, to name a few, as well as other municipalities in the area. There are some upgrades and enhancements coming to this area. The City’s network is currently hosted under the Byron Fire Department, and in the next several months, there will be some changes made that will affect the city. Alderman Isaacs said he thought this was changed year’s ago. Chief Murray explained that the server is still there because of the more protected location. There is a fire line between the two locations. Our files, data and email are being hosted on their file server, as well as some software we are running. Infastructure Security is a big reason why the system was set up this way. There is a room in their basement that is secure for potential weather related disasters. In the next few months, the Fire Department is moving servers out of this environment, and they are moving email from in-house to Microsoft Office 365 hosted.
Our email would move with theirs. We will keep the same addresses, and it will look similar to what is used today. At this time we have only one server, therefore, if hardware, the motherboard or other equipment fails, we could be down for 24 to 48 hours. To avoid this, Entre is recommending that municipalities go to a two file server structure. To save on costs, they will repurpose the existing file server at the Fire Department, and then add a second file server. It would replicate files daily, and the licensing allows us to do this. Alderman Isaacs asked if one would be located here and one somewhere else. Tony Celletti explained we could put the new server here and because they have fiber to the Fire Department, they could do the replication with no problem. As far as they know, the Fire Department will have no problem with this, and Chief Murray added that he has spoken to board members and the Fire Chief, and they are in agreement at this point. The environment they have-the infrastructure, along with the added security and the hardened room, make it a good place to position the server. Alderman Gyorkos asked if email would immediately replicate, and Mr. Tennant explained that email would be a little different because it would be hosted by Microsoft. Alderman Gyorkos asked if data would be replicated immediately, and Mr. Celletti said it could happen where some data could be lost, but the second server could be up and running within 30 to 60 minutes. Entre will also upgrade the system to the most current Microsoft Operating System, since in January 2020, Microsoft will be ending their support of our current system. Data will be backed up locally so there is local access to files. Files also replicate to two off-site locations, one in Utah and one in Georgia. They can back up the system as much as necessary, and recovery can happen quickly. Entre monitors this on a constant basis.
Alderman Reilly asked if we can utilize VPN, and Mr. Celletti said remote access would be possible to enable working from home or other locations. In order to do this, they will implement a VPN with mutli factor authentication for security. After entering your user name and password, a code will be sent to your phone to allow entry. Once email is moved, an internet connection is necessary. In the future, customers will have to subscribe to Microsoft 365 or purchase the new version of office every time a new version is released. We would be purchasing a subscription.
Alderman Gyorkos asked what these changes would cost the City of Byron, and Aldermen were directed to the Entre quote. Alderman Isaacs asked what the deadline is for these changes, and Mr. Celletti hopes to delay the date until after our new fiscal year, and new budget, begins in May. Chief Murray also suggested we will look at accounts at the end of the year and perhaps take excess funds to help offset some of the costs. Alderman Isaacs asked what we currently pay, and Chief Murray explained that we pay Entre monthly for monitoring, updating, and backups.
Alderman Gyorkos asked how the changeover would be done, and Mr. Celletti replied there may be some downtime during business hours (less than a day), but most of the work would be done at night and on weekends to avoid disrupting day to day operations. He will work with Deb and Melissa so LOCIS would not be disrupted. Alderman Reilly asked about the water treatment plant, but Chief Murray explained there is a different monitor set up there. Alderman Isaacs asked to clarify the monthly subscription cost of $923.00/month, and Mr. Tennant said we currently pay approximately $400/month, but the new cost includes back up and recovery as well as the Microsoft 365 licenses.
Mr. Tennant also said we should look at a new phone system as well, since the current system was installed prior to 2010. This can be done independent of the computer upgrade.
Alderman Isaacs asked if we can anticipate monthly increases or is the monthly price locked in for three years. Price increases are not expected during the first three years. There is a warranty through HP. Alderman Reilly asked about malware and virus attacks, and Mr. Tennant said this is a cost that can’t be predicted. Chief Murray added that at the end of the fiscal year, excess funds are used to buy hours with Entre. These hours can then be used throughout the next year for work from Entre. The quote for installation of the new system includes 150 hours, however, any unused hours from the installation of the new equipment can be carried over for on site services throughout the remainder of the year. Standard rate for onsite work is $125/hour, however, if you purchase a 150 hour pre paid block, it is $85/hour. Currently, we have 34 hours left. Mr. Tennant will prepare a report that will illustrate hours used in 2017 and 2018, separating hours used for projects and hours used for support. Chief Murray added that we currently spend more on phone support rather than computer support (both use Entre hours).
Alderman Isaacs asked about the interest rate on a lease in order to explore all options, and Mr. Tennant will find out. It is through Gordon Flesch Company. Chief Murray estimated we will pay approximately $6,000 more over three years to lease.
No recommendation was made for City Council at this time.
Agenda Item #5: City Website Discussion: Chief Murray reminded the committee that Entre does not have anything to do with the City Website. There is no update.
Agenda Item #6: Executive Session (Section 2)(c)(1)-Personnel: None.
Agenda Item #7: Executive Session (Sec 2)(c)(21)-Review & Approval of Closed Meeting
Minutes: None.
Meeting adjourned @ 6:16 pm
Next Regular Meeting scheduled for January 2, 2018 @ 5:15pm.