City of Amboy Council met Jan. 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor John Schamberger called the Regular meeting of the Amboy City Council to order and the council and audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
WARD 1: Brett Dewey
Eric McLaughlin-Absent
WARD 2: Dennis Weidman
Bill Bontz
WARD 3: Daryl Stuckemeyer
Dave Shaw
MINUTE’S APPROVED-The minutes from the December regular city council meeting were presented. Motion to approve the minutes by Aldermen Dewey and Weidman. Carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT APPROVED- City Treasurer Nancy Neal submitted the financial report. Making a motion to approve the reports as presented was made and seconded by Aldermen Weidman and Dewey. Carried.
PAYMENT OF BILLS APPROVED- A list of outstanding bills, involving city accounts as prepared by the city clerk’s office was submitted. Making a motion to approve the bills as presented was made by Aldermen Bontz and Weidman. Carried.
COMMUNITY BUILDING-Alderman McLaughlin- No Report.
DEPOT MUSEUM-Alderman Shaw reported the Depot will be meeting Jan 22nd at 6:30pm.
L.C.E.M.A-Alderman Dewey-Next mitigation meeting will be held in February. PARK-Alderman Bontz –No Report.
LIBRARY-Alderman Weidman reported a resignation and no new business.
COMMITTEE MEETING-Alderman Dewey reported the committee met and discussed East Main Project, sewer ponds, Kidd Memorial Donations and Lisa Lane recapture agreement.
MAINT/STREET DEPT-Alderman Bontz reported the crew is keeping streets cleared with all the snow.
WATER/SEWER DEPT-Aldermen Stuckemeyer-No Report.
New Business
Approve New Garbage Rate- Allied Waste $13.65-Motion to Approve New Rate made by Aldermen Weidman and Dewey. All Approved.
Approve Willett & Hoffman Engineering Estimates- East Main Project –Motion to Approve Willett & Hoffman Engineering 2019 Street Project made by Aldermen Shaw and Bontz. All Approved.
Approve Resignation Danielle Fisher- Library Board –Motion to Approve Resignation made by Aldermen Weidman and Bontz. All Approved.
Approve Resignation Eric McLaughlin-Alderman –Motion to Approve Resignation made by Alderman Shaw and Weidman. All Approved.
Building Inspectors Report-No Permits this month.
ATTORNEY CONCERNS-Recapture agreement will be ready for the next meeting.
COUNCIL CONCERNS Alderman Shaw-Nothing. Alderman Weidman-Nothing. Alderman Dewey-Nothing. Alderman Bontz-Nothing. Alderman Stuckemeyer-Nothing.
MAYOR CONCERNS-January 23rd BAH night out at the community building. Thank you to Eric McLaughlin for his hard work on all the projects he worked on during his term. Great job being done by the city maintenance department.
Executive Session- Motion to adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss C1-Employment Compensation Employees & Pending Litigation C11 made by Aldermen Weidman and Dewey. All Approved. 7:16pm. At 7:49pm Motion to reconvene made by Aldermen Dewey and Stuckemeyer. Answering present were Alderman Stuckemeyer, Bontz, Dewey, Weidman and Shaw. No Action Taken.
With no further business to come before the council the meeting adjourned.