City of Prophetstown City Council met June 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Comment
V. Items for Consideration and Possible Action
1. Consideration and Possible Action to revisit what to do with the 510 Washington St Property
2. Consideration and Possible Action ESDA Annual $2500.00 Contribution
3. Consideration and Possible Action to consider purchasing 2 radar speed signs.
4. Consideration and possible action to approve Employee Raises.
5. Consideration and Possible Action to discuss Property on E 3rd St. and Proposal of New Salt Bin
6. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Blessing of Ord #844 2019-2020 Appropriations
7. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Lease of the ESDA building to the Fire Department for $1 a year for 2 years
8. Consideration and Possible Action Approve Changes to Brush Pick up Dates
9. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Committee Appointment Changes
VI. Items for Consideration
1. Discussion of the use of recreational marijuana
2. Update on Moore Foundation
VII. Consent Agenda (For Action)
1. May 14th, Regular Minutes
2. Financial Report
3. Bills Payable
4. Building Permits
VIII. Report of Department Heads
1. Chief of Police
2. Director of Public Works
3. Library
4. Main Street
New Ideas for Prophetstown
Executive Session