City of Dixon City Council met June 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
4. Presentation
a. Representative Tom Demmer
5. Recognitions
a. Boys Cross County – Regional / Sectional Champions, 5th Place State
b. Carson Faley – Individual Swimming State Qualifier
c. Katie Drezen – Individual Swimming State Qualifier
d. Riley Bally – Individual Tennis State Qualifier
e. Bella Heintzelman – Individual Golf State Qualifier
6. Fire Department
a. Retirement – Deputy Chief Mark Callison
b. Promotion to Deputy Chief – Captain David Lohse
c. Promotion to Captain – Lt. Jesse Arjes
d. Promotion to Lieutenant – FF Aaron Brown
e. Firefighter/Paramedic Oath of Office – Brandon Boettcher
7. Work Session - None
8. Approval of Minutes
9. Approval of Total Labor and Outside Claims
10. Department Reports
11. City Manager Report
12. Council Reports
a. Mayor Arellano
• Discussion regarding reappointing the River Front Commission
b. Councilman Considine
c. Councilman Marshall
d. Councilwoman Oros
e. Councilman Venier
13. Boards & Commissions Reports
a. Historic Preservation Meeting Minutes
14. Visitors/Public Comment
15. Ordinances
a. Amending Title 1 of the Dixon City Code (Administrative Hearing Procedures)
16. Resolutions
a. Appointment to Dixon Plan Commission
b. Amending 2019-2020 Budget – Water
17. Motions
a. Discussion and possible approval of a contract with Municipal Systems Inc.
b. Discussion and possible approval to purchase a Skid Loader for WasteWater.
c. Refer petition to the Zoning Board of appeals – PADS
d. Refer to the Plan Commission – Countryside Plaza Parcel 1 & 2
e. Discussion and possible approval to accept proposal from Davenport Electric for Mast Arm Replacement.
f. Discussion and possible approval of pay raise for full-time non-union City employees for FY20.
18. Executive Session
a. To discuss probable or imminent litigation pursuant to Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act.
19. Adjournment